Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright/Conquest Released on June 25, 2015 音楽を再生するPlay停止するStop Music 音楽を再生するPlay停止するStop Music Official Website The peace-loving kingdom of Hoshido strives to resist the expansionism of the kingdom of Nohr.Corrin, a royal of Nohr and the pla...
《Fire Emblem Fates - Birthright》是由Intelligent Systems开发和任天堂发行的一款战略角色扮演游戏,于2015年在任天堂3DS平台上发布。这款游戏是《Fire Emblem》系列的最新作,以中世纪幻想世界为背景,讲述了一个充满战争与命运抉择的故事。 游戏的故事发生在一个被两个国家分裂的大陆上,玩家将扮演一个年轻的王子或公主...
Birthright is the story if you side with Hoshido. Conquest is the story if you side with Nohr. If you purchased either of the standalone versions, the choice will be made for you when you reach that point in the story. The special edition of Fire Emblem Fates includes al...
Buy Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright Show More Fire Emblem Fates Walkthrough Both Games Starting the Game Prologue: Ties that Bind Chapter 1: Nohr Chapter 2: Gift of Ganglari Chapter 3: Journey Begins Chapter 4: Hoshido Chapter 5: Mother Chapter 6: The Path is Yours Birthright Chapter 6:...
3DS《火焰纹章if:白夜王国 Fire Emblem Fates – Birthright》美版3ds下载,《火焰之纹章if》将分为“白夜王国”与“暗夜王国”两个版本,换句话说,玩家要玩了这两个版本,才算是完全了解了本作的全部剧情。 英文名称:Fire Emblem If - Byakuya Oukoku / Fire Emblem Fates - Birthright ...
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright was released alongside its companion game, Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. Both were followed up and expanded upon by Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation. Learn more about each release on each game’s page, and see media on the main Fire Emblem Fates page. Related Article...
game, the Fire Emblem takes the role of a pivotal object or a symbol of importance in the plot. Examples of these forms include theBinding ShieldinFire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light,Lehran's Medallionin theTellius Series, and the Omega form of theYatoinFire Emblem Fates. ...
Fire Emblem Fates will, in a series first, allow for the possibility of same-sex marriage between the player's avatar and another character.
火焰纹章 if:白夜王国ファイアーエムブレムif 白夜王国 / Fire Emblem If: Byakuya Oukoku / FE14 / ファイアーエムブレムif / Fire Emblem Fates: Héritage / Fire Emblem Fates: Vermächtnis / Fire Emblem Fates: Estirpe / Fire Emblem Fates: RetaggioFire Emblem Fates: Birthright ...
Fire Emblem Fates is split into three story paths. Birthright is one of the two base stories, the other being Conquest. The other story path can be bought digitally at a discount through the in-game store. The third story path is Revelation, a DLC that was released later. You need to ...