#Fire Emblem Engage# エーティエ(CV:岭内智美)战斗&对话演示初始兵种“弓箭手”,费列聂王国的王城骑士。 http://t.cn/A6onSSbN
特別組合《Fire Emblem Engage Elyos Collection》預定於同日發售,現已接受預購。 特別組合的外盒由擔任本作角色設計的插畫師「Mika Pikazo」繪製,組合包含A1尺寸的海報、印上主視覺圖的收納盒(SteelBook™ 鐵盒規格)、原創畫集「The Art of Fire Emblem Engage」以及馬爾斯、賽莉卡和西格爾特等紋章士的美術收藏卡...
#Fire Emblem Engage# 游戏本体首发的12名纹章士全部公开。官网有每个人的详细介绍:http://t.cn/A6KXsbQq
A planning director for Fire Emblem Engage. He worked on user interface, sound programming, and so on for Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, released on Nintendo 3DS. He was also deeply involved with the game planning for Code Name: S.T.E.A.M., also ...
This Fire Emblem Engage gift guide will make sure you’re giving each member of your party the perfect gift, giving them a huge number of benefits.
Hobble Wolf Knight If unit initiates combat with a knife, inflicts Mov-2 on foe for 1 turn. Diffuse Healer Martial Master When unit is healed by a staff, all adjacent allies also recover 50% of the HP that the unit recovered.
Engage Three Houses Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Fates Awakening Shadow Dragon Radiant Dawn Path Of Radiance The Blazing Blade Plus de jeux... Retour Exclusifs au Japon New Mystery of the Emblem The Binding Blade Thracia 776 Genealogy of the Holy War Mystery of the Emblem...
But gifts can get expensive, and who loves what? You don’t want to risk wasting a gift on someone who hates it! So here’s an exhaustive guide on how to maximise your relationship gains inFire Emblem Engage.If only it were this easy in real life… ...
Fire Emblem Engage chapters Fire Emblem Engage has a total of 26 chapters, which are all of varying lengths: Prologue: The Emblems Chapter 1: Awake At Last Chapter 2: Queen Lumera Chapter 3: Hostilities Chapter 4: A Land In Bloom
本作的舞台为四个王国和一个圣地的世界「艾雷欧斯大陆」。一千年前,人类与邪龙之间发生了战争。人类借助异界英雄「纹章士」的力量,加上各国之间团结一致并肩作战,经历长久的战争后,最终将邪龙封印了起来。然而随着时光流逝,封印的力量逐渐衰弱,世界开始显现邪龙复活的征兆…… ...