Officials need your help keeping fire danger under control this weekend in Colorado Up and down the Front Range, sheriff's departments and fire departments are preparing for this weekend's weather. "We have an additional level of monitoring through the weekend. We are always monitoring, but we...
"I've done several deployments on the engines with Denver Fire and a previous department but this one is unique because it is an assembled task force in Colorado and heading to California," Denver Fire Department Wildland Engine Boss Clint Maas said. "The drive will be approximately 18 hours ...
Espinosa, Juan
The fire spread quickly in the hot, dry weather. Fire fighting was difficult because of strong winds. Firemen from 55 fire departments in the state joined the National Fire Service to put out the fire. Some kept fighting for 24 hours. Fire engines and helicopters dropped water onto the fire...
As volunteer fire departments we deserve a solution for us, not have to make do with odd parts of complicated career department systems. Volunteer departments are so much more than small career departments, and in many ways we need different solutions, and in some we need more. INCIDENT REPO...
Just when Colorado thought the worst of fire season was over, another fire broke out in Grand County on October 14th. The fire started northeast of Kremmling, in Arapaho National Forest, near the East Fork of Troublesome Creek. The East Troublesome Fire would soon live up to its name. It...
The area includes forested mountains, the Colorado River basin, the Mojave Desert and Interstate 10.[16] 【参考译文】里弗赛德运营单位本身就是全国最大的消防部门之一,拥有95个消防站和约230件设备。里弗赛德运营单位根据合同运营里弗赛德县消防局,同时还运营着18个城市消防局和1个社区服务区消防局。其中9个...
Intern firefighters augment career firefighters by filling one or more firefighter positions on engines and ladder trucks. They attend area colleges while off duty. Fire departments pay their college costs in lieu of wages and pensions. After their four year internship, they graduate debt-free, and...
This is Fire Prevention Week and local fire departments are making sure you brush up on your fire safety. Get our free mobile app Greg Adamietzis the St. Cloud Assistant Fire Marshall. He says kitchen fires are the most common causes of all house fires. ...
“We have fire departments that are continually telling us that they’re going to protect us,” he said, “when they can’t during the extreme wildfire conditions. It’s time to recognize the reality and start asking questions about how it is that we’re failing to prevent ...