Try this fun idea from Randi Smith, a member of our teacher team: “We did a big competition and prize raffle (it was a free fire extinguisher from the local fire department) for any student who brought in a completed fire safety escape plan that they completed with their parents.” You...
Because students learn in different ways, PSG creates multimedia resources that promote deeper learning and help every fire student excel, strengthening Navigate eBooks and printed books with interactive lectures, case studies, skill drills, chapter summaries, high-quality photos and illustrations, ...
In talking to firefighters from across the country, I’ve run into stories of company officers who chastise or even formally discipline their firefighters for setting up drills on their own in the firehouse. Even worse, sometimes it is the senior firefighter being reprimanded for drilling with th...
If you have ideas for drills or other types of training or would like to share materials you developed for your crew or department, we invite you to actively participate in the discussion. Submit materials to the website, so others can benefit from them. Post information an...
Fire department personnel, architects, engineers, insurance specialists, loss prevention practitioners, and others can provide a multitude of ideas. Management support is an important ingredient in the planning process. By supplying adequate personnel and funding and supporting policies and procedures, ...
Fire Drills – OcoeeTV FIRE SAFETY RAP! (song for kids about fire safety, calling 911, etc…) – Harry Kindergarten Music Fire Safety Video for Kids with SteveSongs & Sparky the Fire Dog – WeAreTeachers Smokey Bear Says (1995) – Smokey Bear ...
As they teach, they share their information, but they also pick up tidbits of knowledge from different departments and incorporate the most valuable parts into their future lectures and drills. They also glimpse into other departments operations and develop ideas on what works and what doesn't. ...
Do regular fire drills to practice your evacuation plan so that your family knows what to do in an emergency. Make sure everyone knows all the possible exit points of the house that they can use; a fire in your home will be a chaotic situation, and it' s best to make sure all member...
The 3-year-old boy was face down in the pool and was presenting with cyanotic (purple) facial skin and grey lips according to the Orange Village Fire Department. The situation was serious, life-threatening and time was not on Mandich's side. ...
3.2.3. Measures to facilitate occupant response and fire department operation – regular evacuation drills and adequate fire stations and resources There are some fire protection measures to facilitate occupant response, such as evacuation planning, training and drill, refuge areas and safe elevators. ...