long term fire danger 长期火险性 fire resistance rating 耐火等级 fire protection rating 防火等级 fire endurance rating 耐火率 be in danger vi.有危险 in danger adv.在危险中,垂危 相似单词 danger n. 1.[U]危险,风险 2.[C,U](坏事的)可能性,危险 3.[C]危险的人,危险因素,危害,威胁 ...
www.dictall.com|基于19个网页 2. 火险等级 森林火灾扑救技术规程 LY-T 1679... ... 易伤亡地段 fire hazardous areas火险等级fire danger rating森林火灾 forest fire ... jxlyghy3zb.blog.163.com|基于8个网页 3. 火险级 科学网—汉英林学名词 - 刘斌的博文... ... 火险||fire danger火险级||fire...
关键词: [national fire danger rating system, incendie, incendios, risque, fuego griego, PRESCRIBED BURNING, brulage dirige, controlled burning, wildfires, incendie spontane, riesgo, fires, prise de decision, quema controlada, decision making, toma de decisiones, risk] 被引量: 6 ...
3) (fire) danger scale 火险等级表<林>4) wildfire danger rating 森林火险等级 1. Now it is hard to publish wildfire danger rating information . 森林火险等级预测技术已经较为成熟,但是目前火险等级信息发布渠道依然较少,存在着信息发布不畅、覆盖率低的问题。 更多例句>> 5) fire danger rating ...
Fire scientists in the United States began exploring the relationships of fire-danger and hazard with weather, fuel moisture, and ignition probabilities as early as 1916. Many of the relationships identified then persist today in the form of our National Fire-Danger-Rating System. This paper traces...
1) fire danger rating 火险等级1. Study on Forest Fuel Classification and Fire Danger Rating System of Maoershan National Park; 帽儿山国家森林公园可燃物类型划分及火险等级预报系统的研究2. Taken forest farm of Tahe forest bureau as study unit,according to integrated caloric assessment value of ...
The fire danger rating index is a good indicator of the event occurrence probability, what contributes to the monitoring areas and adds value to the alert degree information. The application of FMA fire danger index "Formula de Monte Alegre" for areas in radar coverage radius of the S-band ...
William, and Helfman, Robert S., “A Computer Program for Processing Historic Fire Weather Data for the National Fire-Danger Rating System,” USDA Forest Service Research Note RM-234 (1973), 12 p. Keetch, John J., and Byram, George M., “A Drought Index for Forecast Fire Control,” ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook AFDR (redirected fromAdjective Fire Danger Rating) AcronymDefinition AFDRAssociation for Democratic Rights(India) AFDRArchitectural Form Definition Requirements AFDRAlberta Foundation for Diabetes Research(Canada; charity organization; est. 1988) ...
Fire danger rating has become the cornerstone of national fire management programs, and operational systems have been available for over 40 years. Fire danger information is used across a broad spectrum of fire management decision making including daily operations, seasonal strategic planning, and long...