The user interface is extremely simple to navigate with only various channel options provided and the ability to filter by category or country, depending on your location. We expect to see big things from this application as it continues to improve, however, it is still a fabulous choice for ...
U.S., Australia will share resources during fire seasonASSOCIATED PRESS
Gippsland has a documented record of recurrent wildfires throughout its history, rendering it as one of the regions in the country that is highly susceptible to bushfires. Significantly, throughout the 2019–2020 Australian bushfire season, also known as the “Black Summer”, extensive wildfires ...
From down under to flying high above wildfires, an Australian aircrew has been hired by California to help in fire attacks this year.Jul 2, 2024 Twitter Facebook Email Live Now CBS News 24/7 CBS News Baltimore CBS News Bay Area CBS News Boston ...
aircraft contracted as “call when needed”, and additional state owned and state contracted aircraft hired to meet peak demand across the country. In total more than 500 aircraft, provided by over 150 operators, are available as a shared resource for firefighting across Australia for season 2024...
In Australia, the lack of a unified national database has led to the compilation of data from different fire management agencies in each state and territory that have provided statistics (Table 1) to obtain a complete picture of the area burned in the country19,21. Data from these agencies ...
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Fire suppression is the primary management response to wildfires in many areas globally. By removing less-extreme wildfires, this approach ensures that remaining wildfires burn under more extreme conditions. Here, we term this the “suppression bias” an
In recent weeks the Royal Australian Air Force has made multiple trips transporting firefighters and retardant mix from the eastern part of the country to Western Australia where most of the bushfire activity has been occurring. These photos are courtesy of the Australian Department of Defense. ...
As a result of human-caused climate change, the team showed the intensity of this season's Fire Weather Index in Australia was at minimum 30% more likely than in 1900, with such an event becoming, on average, 80% more likely in the models ...