The 2013 Season is going along well with perhaps the oddest weather paterns we have seen in 20 Years! As we made our way across the country from BC to Ontario we dodged rain storms, tornado's and severe thunder storms. It seemed every place we left got hit with something... Fort Mac...
Total acres burned within New Mexico (as of August 2nd): 896,936 acres Number of Fires 1,000 acres or larger: 23 Largest fire by acres burned: Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon - 341,735 acres (largest in state history) Thousands of personnel from across the country took part in fire suppressi...
With devastating wildfires and Mega Fires threatening more Wildland Urban Interface communities throughout the country there is a strong need to review and update Aerial Firefighting Strategies. One of those updates should be utilizing Direct Attack combined with a fire suppressant Gel from all Aircraft...
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(literally, seconds) in the horrendous sequel. Showing off his skills in the opening action sequence set in Nepal, apart from being pretty much the only scene Li would feature in for the whole movie, it’s also the highlight of the bloated, overly self-aware 2nd instalment. As brief as...
It’s just the one name on the globe that a president of the United States can change to stick it to Mexico, a country Donald Trump has objectively racist feelings toward. Trump never campaigned on building a wall at our northern border with Canada, nor has he (yet?) attempted to ...
The Front Country Ranger District of the San Bernardino National Forest is initiating a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis for the Sheep Fire Reforestation Project. This project proposes to plant a mixture of tree seedlings on 91 acres within the area that burned in the 2009 Sheep...
The 2017 fire season prompted calls for transformative change in the way that BC manages fire. These calls came from a range of groups, including Indigenous Nations (Verhaeghe et al.2019; Sharp and Krebs2018; Dickson‐Hoyle and John2021), government-sponsored commissions (Abbott and Chapman2018)...
Over the last 20years, all states within the US have required all cigarettes sold to be "fire safe" or "fire standards compliant" meaning that they must pass ASTM standard E2187. Though these cigarettes are designed to self-extinguish, there have been recent studies suggesting that these "...
SoFi Stadium is one of the country’s most u... 02:55Jan 30, 2025 The Hand Room Prop House | Let's Go Places 03:11Jan 27, 2025 Rubel Castle | Let’s Go Places 03:09Jan 2, 2025 LA's Grand Central Market | Let's Go Places ...