The battle of Coral : Vietnam fire support bases Coral and Balmoral, May 1968.McAulay, Lex
GMT always has outstanding game components andFitLis no exception. The 17″x22″ mounted map is an area movement representation of Vietnam, including North and South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, divided into rural provinces, cities, and economic lines (producing government income). The map has ...
Featuring 2.7 million trees, buildings and objects from S.O.G. Prairie Fire Creator DLC, this large map is partly topographical and partly designed for gameplay. It features realistic scenery for Vietnam War fighting in Arma 3 with towering hills and deep valleys surrounding the Khe Sanh Combat...
McNamara was 85 years old when Morris interviewed him, and he comes across at times as a somewhat tortured soul on his involvement in WWII and Vietnam; grappling with the morality of decisions made and owning up to his roles in those conflicts. He tries to come to terms with what he has...