rain fire and brimstone on (someone or something) Likened to a punishment from God. 1. To inflict great suffering or destruction on someone or something, especially with a bombardment of bombs or projectiles.The general promised to rain fire and brimstone on the enemy soldiers.The warplanes have...
light - not great in degree or quantity or number; "a light sentence"; "a light accent"; "casualties were light"; "light snow was falling"; "light misty rain"; "light smoke from the chimney" heavy - unusually great in degree or quantity or number; "heavy taxes"; "a heavy fine";...
"Whether you need to lay down a rain of suppression fire, hold the line near a capture point, or brute-force your way through a narrow corridor, the Heavy is uniquely qualified to pull this off thanks to their two primary abilities." 'Star Wars Battlefront 2' Heavy Trooper Class Detailed...
Jehovah provided direction by means of a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. 那时,耶和华在日间用云柱,晚上用火柱为以色列人引路。( jw2019 Sometimes, the moisture from the air condenses in the cloud and then falls as rain, often extinguishing the fire. 有時...
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_rain Blood rain or red rain is a phenomenon in which blood is perceived to fall from the sky in the form of rain. Cases have been recorded sinceHomer‘sIliad, composed approximately 8th century BC, and are widespread. Before the 17th century it was gen...
Three months� worth of rain has fallen on the region in three days this week, creating the worst floods since records began 120 years ago. Balkans floods kill 4 amid record rainfall Forces of nature: How floods start and what areas are vulnerable Observed from the air, almost a third of...
Takedown requestView complete answer on en.wikipedia.org What is the fire Dragon type legendary? Takedown requestView complete answer on bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net Is there a Dragon ice type Pokemon? Takedown requestView complete answer on eurogamer.net ...
The London Fire Brigade was on set to simulate rain as well as monitor smoke used for filming. 伦敦消防队(London Fire Brigade)为场景模拟降水,监测用于拍摄的烟雾。 LASER-wikipedia2 Sometimes the army or municipal fire brigade also helped. 有時美國海軍和陸軍炮火部隊也會進行軍事干預。 LASER...
I can hear raging fire and roaring rain. 我 可以 听到 汹涌 火灾和 咆哮 雨。 OpenSubtitles2018.v3 War is like a raging fire. 戰爭如火如荼。 Tatoeba-2020.08 Only a reign of love and compassion can put out the raging fire of hatred and violence. 只有施以友爱和同情才能扑灭仇恨和...
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