In-Person Weekday Classroom: Fire & Life Safety Director (F-89) – Fire & Non-Fire with Active Shooter Training Course (F-89)
Take Action! Read about the newOSHA Standards Mission Statement The mission of NYSAFE is to reduce mortality and morbidity to the public through the support of Fire Safety and Life Safety Educators. NYSAFE will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among educators and those charged with th...
As a facility or business owner in Northern California, Oregon or Washington, employing the appropriate life safety system to keep your building, customers, and employees safe in an emergency is a critical priority. Whether you have a team of facility engineers or all responsibilities fall to you...
If you own a business in Northern California, Oregon or Washington, life safety systems are imperative in keep your building, customers, and employees safe in an emergency.
Fire safety, life safety, fire prevention, smoke alarm, carbon monoxide safety and more resources from your fire department for adults, kids & more.
Fire & Life Safety Features related to security, fire and work safety issues, incidents and prevention. RSS Articles OSHA cites Circle K following attack on Orlando night shift employee 1 min. read Protect the entire campus: Security incidents outside of the classroom 5 min. read Department of...
FIRE & LIFE SAFETY BENEFITS: Protect your people, assets and brand with monitored fire alarm systems Addressable fire alarm systems pinpoint the exact point of the fire alarm for larger facilities and campus environments Blast mitigation solutions help limit asset damage and injury due to flying ...
Industry leader known for putting customers first and caring for employees. Branches across the U.S. to serve you.
Reliable Fire Safety Inspections Near You. Schedule your fire/smoke damper inspection, firestop survey, and life safety reporting with us. Get in touch now!
Ensure safety with Total Fire Protection's comprehensive fire and life safety services across NYC & the Tri-State area.