The more upbeat passages, suggesting a jazz-rock or Canterbury matrix, made me think of Forgas Band Phenomena, though Calomito sound slightly more angular than the French band. Furthermore, while Univers Zéro’s broodingly apocalyptic production seems to be the polar opposite in tone to Ca...
nearest 0.5 cm and stem diameters to the nearest 0.1 mm with a calliper. Leaf assimilation (μmol m−2 s−1) was measured on the top, last fully developed leaf of 5 individuals of each species × light treatment using a LICOR- 6400 gas exchange analyser (LI-COR,...
Forest fires are key ecosystem modifiers affecting the biological, chemical, and physical attributes of forest soils. The extent of soil disturbance by fire is largely dependent on fire intensity, duration and recurrence, fuel load, and soil characteristics. The impact on soil properties is intricate...
[2364星][16d] [C] domoticz/domoticz monitor and configure various devices like: Lights, Switches, various sensors/meters like Temperature, Rain, Wind, UV, Electra, Gas, Water and much more [2363星][2m] [Lua] snabbco/snabb 网络工具包,简单、快速 [2362星][26d] yeyintminthuhtut/awesome-...
and PA. A systematic approach of the synthesis of CH/PA/Ti3C2coating process for PUFs is given in Fig.1. The flammability and asphyxiant gas releases of the FR-coated PUF were investigated through a series of benchmark fire tests and material characterisation techniques. To bridge the knowledg...
The samples were then combusted in a Flash 2000 organic elemental analyser and the gases passed into a Delta V Plus isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) via a Conflo IV gas control unit (all from Thermo Scientific, Bremen, Germany). In-house standards and one International Atomic Energy ...
Where θg is the gas temperature in the fire compartment (°C) and t is the time (min). The samples were coupled to the furnace and continuously monitored by 5 thermocouples with a 0.59-inch (1.5 mm) diameter on the surface exposed to fire and other 5 thermocouples with a 0.27-inch...
This review analyses and summarises the previous investigations on the oxidation of linseed oil and the self-heating of cotton and other materials impregnated with the oil. It discusses the composition and chemical structure of linseed oil, including its
and gas drainage technology, which has resulted in excessive residual coal and serious air leakage in the goaf, leading to frequent spontaneous coal fires. Therefore, the development and utilization of new fire-prevention and extinguishing technologies and materials is an urgent task (Wang et al.,...
A new class of nano porous materials known as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been shown to have great potential in catalysis [10], gas separation [11] and solar cells [12]. The multi-component structure allows for the possibility of tuning the morphology, microstructures and properties ...