内容提示: FIRA/FRQG C001: 2021 NO COPYING WITHOUT FIRA PERMISSION EXCEPT AS ALLOWED BY COPYRIGHT LAW The Furniture Retail Quality Group Industry Standard Furniture - Children’s Domestic Furniture - General safety requirements 文档格式:PDF | 页数:16 | 浏览次数:410 | 上传日期:2022-08-17 18:12...
Test item 测试名称:FIRA/FRQG C001 Furniture - Children’s Domestic Furniture - Generalsafety requirements 儿童家具 Scope: This Standardspecifies general safety requirements for children’s furniture fordomestic indoor, outdoor and camping use.
FIRA/FRQG C001:2016Furniture -children's domestic furniture- General safety requirements Test Item: 6 Safety Requirements 安全要求 6.1 Materials 材料 Visual check 目测 Additional charge Corrosion resistance for metal parts 金属部分盐雾测试 Toxic Elements test (EN 71-3)有毒有害物质测试 Formaldehyde cont...
FIRA/FRQG C001:2012儿童家具测试标准 价格:面议 最小采购量:不限 主营产品:ABS,电子行业认证,商检报关 供应商:杭州佰标检测技术有限公司 所在地:杭州余杭区良渚好运路2-6号3号楼二层 联系人:冯欢 联系电话 点此询价 买家还在看 太阳镜检测_太阳镜检测报告_第三方检测机......
作者:百检网时间:2022-08-14 标准号:FIRA/ FRQG C001: 2016 检测标准/方法:家用儿童家具的基本安全要求 FIRA/ FRQG C001: 2016 条款6.3 检测对象:室内儿童家具 检测项目/参数:使用过程中易接触到的管子,洞和间隙 百检网专注于为第三方检测机构以及中小微企业搭建互联网+检测电商服务平台,是一个创新模式的检验检...
品牌/型号:FIRA/FRQG C001:2012儿童椅测试报告 <P style="TEXT-INDENT: 20.65pt"><B><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; COLOR: black">FIRA/FRQG C001:2012</SPAN></B><B><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 宋体">儿童椅测试报告</SPAN></B><B><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE...
">FIRA/FRQG C001:2012是专业的儿童家具测试标准,儿童床FIRA/FRQG C001:2012重金属铅含量测试,儿童椅子FIRA/FRQG C001:2012疲劳测试,儿童写字台FIRA/FRQG C001:2012
FIRA/FRQG C001:2012儿童家具测试标准 价格:1.00元更多产品优惠价> 最小采购量:1 主营产品:纺织品皮革检测报告,玩具检测报告,油墨印刷品检测报告,学生用品检测报告,化学检测报告 供应商:杭州佰标检测技术有限公司 更多优质供应商> 所在地:中国 浙江 杭州 ...
Test item 测试名称: FIRA/FRQG C001 Furniture - Children’s Domestic Furniture - General safety requirements 儿童家具 Scope: This Standard specifies general safety requirements for children’s furniture for domestic indoor, outdoor and camping use. The standard is applicable to all types of domestic ...
FIRA/FRQG C001:2016 室内用儿童家具一般安全要求 测试内容: 6 Safety Requirements 安全要求 6.1 Materials 材料 Visual check 目测 Additional charge Corrosion resistance for metal parts 金属部分盐雾测试 Toxic Elements test (EN 71-3)有毒有害物质测试 Formaldehyde content for textile (EN ISO 14184-1)织物...