% MATLAB Code % Generated by MATLAB(R) 9.4 and DSP System Toolbox 9.6. % Generated on: 09-Apr-2019 11:22:46 % FIR Window Lowpass filter designed using the FIR1 function. % All frequency values are in Hz. Fs = 16000; % Sampling Frequency N = 256; % Order Fc = 7200; % Cutoff...
%FILTER_2MATLABcodeforfilter_2.fig %FILTER_2,byitself,createsanewFILTER_2orraisestheexisting %singleton*. % %H=FILTER_2returnsthehandletoanewFILTER_2orthehandleto %theexistingsingleton*. % %FILTER_2('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...)callsthelocal %functionnamedCALLBACKinFILTER_2.Mwith...
首先生成滤波器参数: function Hd = fir_256 %FIR_8 Returns a discrete-time filter object. % MATLAB Code % Generated by MATLAB(R) 9.4 and DSP System Toolbox 9.6. % Generated on: 09-Apr-2019 11:22:46 % FIR Window Lowpass filter designed using the FIR1 function. % All frequency values ...
subplot(3,1,2);plot(f,Pyy(1:N/2));%画出信号频谱图b=fir1(48,0.1);%滤波器取48长度,截至频率为0.1,取出低频信号,这里使用了matlab滤波函数%b=fir1(48,[0.2 0.4]); %产生带通滤波器,取出中间的信号,滤去两边信号%b=fir1(48,0.4,'high'); %让高频通过滤除两边信号x2=filter(b,1,x1); subpl...
在理解设计方法的基础上,最后基于MATLAB软件利用窗函数法实现了FIR数字带通滤波器的设计。仿真结果表明,所设计的滤波器具有良好的滤波器特性,所设计的指标符合设计任务要求。关键词 MATLAB;FIR数字滤波器;窗函数;带通滤波器Realization of FIR Digital Filter Based On matlabName#Abstract Digital Filter is a kind ...
4.1.3 正弦叠加信号的Matlab设计 17 4.2 IIR滤波器的CCS设计 19 4.2.1 IIR滤波器的CCS程序设计 19 4.2.2 CCS波形仿真图 23 结束语 25 参考文献 26 1引言 数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing),或者说对信号的数字处理(包括 对信号进行采集、变换、滤波、估值、增强、压缩、识别等),是20世纪60年代前后发展...
y = filter(Wopt, 1, x); % 误差 En1 = d - y'; En2 = d - ss'; MSE1=mean(En1.^2); MSE2=mean(En2.^2); % 结果 figure, plot(n, d, 'r:', n, y, 'b-'); legend('FIR维纳滤波信号真值','FIR维纳滤波估计值'); title('FIR维纳滤波期望信号与滤波结果对比'); ...
1、使用MATLAB设计ISE中FIR滤波器系数的万法1、打开 MATLAB 在命令行窗 口输入 “ fdatool ”,打开Filter Designer &Analysis Tool ”工具。如下图所示:d ilc LditArwk剖a;Targih View Winder He p凹tr身心 氏7 P目厂小W LJ闭者盅LU南竖。因的Curarl l-fter iricirote任rf lr ptoficatcrE(dD)Sltiid...
Programmatically, you can implement such an integer delay filter using the following MATLAB® code. Get % Create the FIR D = 3; % Delay value h = [zeros(1,D) 1] h = 1×4 0 0 0 1 Shift a sequence by filtering it through the FIR h. The zeros at the beginning of the ...
Original FIR Filter Algorithm This example converts MATLAB® code for a finite impulse response (FIR) filter to fixed point. The formula for the nth output, y(n), of an FIR filter given filter coefficients b and input x is: y(n) = b(1)*x(n) + b(...