在理解设计方法的基础上,最后基于MATLAB软件利用窗函数法实现了FIR数字带通滤波器的设计。仿真结果表明,所设计的滤波器具有良好的滤波器特性,所设计的指标符合设计任务要求。关键词 MATLAB;FIR数字滤波器;窗函数;带通滤波器Realization of FIR Digital Filter Based On matlabName#Abstract Digital Filter is a kind ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: @Arjun Suhass, YOu can figure it out theoretically or by experiment. Theoretical: The Matlab help for filter() says: In your case, a=1. If a had additional elements, it would be an IIR filter. You said it was FIR, so it must be the case th...
y=filter(fir,x1);%调用filter Designer产生的滤波器。%产生滤波器具体步骤:filter designer窗口 ->文件 ->生成MATLAB代码 ->滤波器设计函数% fir为保存的滤波器.m文件的文件名subplot(2,2,3)plot(y); axis([0,100,-3,3]) title('输出信号时域图') 绘制的图像如下: 1.2 matlab产生coe波形文件 Fs=1024...
xlabel('频率/HZ') y=filter(fir,x1); %调用filter Designer产生的滤波器。 %产生滤波器具体步骤:filter designer窗口 ->文件 ->生成MATLAB代码 ->滤波器设计函数 % fir为保存的滤波器.m文件的文件名 subplot(2,2,3) plot(y); axis([0,100,-3,3]) title('输出信号时域图') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
1、使用MATLAB设计ISE中FIR滤波器系数的万法1、打开 MATLAB 在命令行窗 口输入 “ fdatool ”,打开Filter Designer &Analysis Tool ”工具。如下图所示:d ilc LditArwk剖a;Targih View Winder He p凹tr身心 氏7 P目厂小W LJ闭者盅LU南竖。因的Curarl l-fter iricirote任rf lr ptoficatcrE(dD)Sltiid...
%MATLABCode %GeneratedbyMATLAB(R)8.6andtheSignalProcessingToolbox7.1. %Generatedon:16-Nov-202115:19:48 %ButterworthLowpassfilterdesignedusingFDESIGN.LOWPASS. %AllfrequencyvaluesareinHz. Fs=520;%SamplingFrequency Fpass=10;%PassbandFrequency Fstop=80;%StopbandFrequency ...
[0,1,-60,10]);gridtitle('magnitude response');xlabel('frequency in pi units');ylabel('Decibels');子函数:function[Hr,w,b,L]=Hr_Type2(h);%Computes Amplitude responseofType-2LPFIRfilter%%[Hr,w,b,L]=Hr_Type2(h)%Hr=Amplitude Response%w=frequencies between[0pi]over which Hr is ...
本课题主要应用MATLAB软件设计FIR数字滤波器,并对所设计的滤波器进行仿真。 关键字:数字滤波器; MATLAB; FIR I ABSTRACT A great progress in the discipline of digital processing is the research on design method of digital filter. FIR digital filter plays a significant part in the processing of digital...
delay_pipeline[0] <= filter_in; delay_pipeline[1] <= delay_pipeline[0]; delay_pipeline[2] <= delay_pipeline[1]; delay_pipeline[3] <= delay_pipeline[2]; delay_pipeline[4] <= delay_pipeline[3]; delay_pipeline[5] <= delay_pipeline[4]; ...
MATLAB Coder™ Task 1: Setup and Simulate 1.Open theex_fircmsis_tut_mlexample function, which implements a lowpass FIR filter object. 2.Create two sine wave signals with 1KHz and 3KHz frequency, respectively. sin1 = dsp.SineWave('Amplitude',1,'Frequency',1000,...'...