FIPS 140 standards are a set of security requirements for cryptographic modules defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
A summary of nShield FIPS 140-2, FIPS 140-3, Common Criteria, and other certifications. Entrust Security Certification Reference Document Resources Brochure: Entrust nShield HSM Family Brochure Entrust nShield HSMs provide a hardened, tamper-resistant environment for secure cryptographic processing, key...
意法半导体今天宣布STSAFE-TPM可信平台模块 (TPM) 获得 FIPS 140-3 认证,成为市场上首批获得此认证的标准化加密模块。 新认证的TPM平台ST33KTPM2X、ST33KTPM2XSPI、ST33KTPM2XI2C、ST33KTPM2I 和...
透过FIPS 140-3的密码模块验证,使具有密码功能的信息安全产品,能够有效降低密码算法的失误率及防止敏感性数据的泄露,开发厂商申请认证流程如下图所示: 仲至信息科技满足FIPS 140-3认验证需求 仲至信息科技拥有丰富的密码模块标准导入经验及密码安全认证(Cryptographic Validation Program Certification),对于密码模块需要通过...
新思科技(Synopsys, Inc.,纳斯达克股票代码:SNPS)今天宣布,其DesignWare®真随机数发生器(TRNG) IP已通过美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)密码算法验证体系(CAVP)的验证,为客户终端产品获得低风险联邦信息处理标准(FIPS) 140-3认证铺平道路。
Cisco is a leader in securing FIPS 140 validations and is dedicated to information assurance, complying to standards for both product depth and breadth.
“We congratulate Marvell on achieving NIST FIPS 140-3, Level-3 certification of its LiquidSecurity HSMs which power our Azure Key Vault and Azure Key Vault Managed HSM services, and on which we continue to innovate new offerings,” said Soumya Subramanian, VP of Cloud Security E...
註五:共同準則(Common Criteria,CC)認證是一項評估IT產品完整性的國際安全標準,獲得全球31個地區/市場的認可。 註六:獲得美國、加拿大、英國、德國、法國、韓國、日本、新加坡、澳洲和紐西蘭認可。 Common Criteria CertificationFIPS 140-3Samsung CryptoCoreSamsung Smart TVsSamsung Tizen OS...
Cisco is a leader in securing FIPS 140 validations and is dedicated to information assurance, complying to standards for both product depth and breadth.
We are thrilled to announce that PQCryptoLib, PQShield’s hybrid cryptographic library has achieved FIPS-140-3 certification under the NIST CMVP process. This phenomenal achievement, led by our Staff Cryptography Architect, Kris Kwiatowski, represents a huge three-year team effort from everyone at ...