I tried tapping the female threads on the radiator deeper but my tap wouldn't do much to the old cast iron. The female threads on the radiator aren't the problem either- I can thread any standard male 3/4"npt nipple or plug into them with no problem. Bottom Line No, I would not ...
FIP阀门是用隔膜作启闭件封闭流道、截断流体、并将阀体内腔和阀盖内腔隔开的截止阀。隔膜常用橡胶、塑料等弹性、耐腐蚀、非渗透性材料制成。 阀体多用塑料、玻璃钢、陶瓷或金属衬胶材料制成。 结构简单、密封和防腐性能较好,流体阻力小。用于 低压、低温、腐蚀性较强和含悬浮物质的介质。按结构形式分有屋脊式、截止...