如上图所示,在绿色的 footer 标签里,使用 XML 视图指令,template:repeat,遍历绑定到该页面片段的 Actions 结构,将结构里每一个元素,赋给模板变量 customaction, 该变量此时包含的就是 manifest.json extends 区域里声明的自定义按钮的明细。然后用另一个模板指令,template:if, 判断当前自定义按钮的属性,如果 determi...
It is important to use the "sap.ui.layout.FormElement" for structuring the content, because the FormElements will be displayed inside a FormContainer. More information are available in the SAP Fiori elements DocumentationObject Page ActionsSearch term: #OPHeaderAction...
步骤2: 实现controller extension: sap.ui.define("com.sap.jerry.jerryfioriapp.ext.controller.ListReportExtension",[],function(){return{onCustomAction1:function(oEvent){alert('Hello');},onAfterRendering:function(oEvent){debugger;varoContentTable=this.byId("com.sap.jerry.jerryfioriapp::sap.suite.u...
It is important to use the "sap.ui.layout.FormElement" for structuring the content, because the FormElements will be displayed inside a FormContainer. More information are available in the SAP Fiori elements DocumentationObject Page ActionsSearch term: #OPHeaderAction...
拿到table 实例后,调用其 attach 方法,挂接对应的事件处理函数。 一切完成后,点击 Smart Table 某行项目,我们使用 attachSelect 注册的事件处理函数就会触发: 本文参考:Fiori Element List Report – Adjust column size automatically
However if the Fiori element is not happy with the hierarchy annotations it will default to a responsive table. Similarly if you render the table on a phone treetable setting will be ignored. Those references are rather old.. you might want to cross check against the latest annotations ...
The app team must ensure that the Selected element is added to the planning calendar legend when the planning calendar is viewed in 1-month mode in a smartphone size. This is not provided by the control. If any of the standard legend items are not needed, you can switch them off (...
1. develop a fiori element app and do navigation automatically when it is opened in inbox app 2. develop free style app and wrap a FE app 3. develop FPM(flexible programming model) based app as it can have object page as first page They all didn't work at th...
No selection, single selection, or multiple selection (manifest.json:multiSelect). With multiple selection, the SAP Fiori element worklist triggers the action for all selected items. If an error occurs with one or more of the selected items, it can be handled in the following ways (annotation...
customIcon :自定义图标 enableFormattedText :是否可以使用html标签 项目名 newDemo manifest.json "sap.ui5": { "rootView": { "viewName": "newDemo.view.view", "type": "XML" } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. index.html <!DOCTYPE HTML> demo...