作曲:Fiona Apple 作词:Fiona Apple Look at how feathered his cocks are See how seamless his frocks are Look at his paper being over that rock star Look at how long she walks and how far was she lost Or maybe she was not far Traveling in the stock car anymore Maybe she spent her forma...
Fiona Apple: KFor Her这首歌起源于美国最高法院官Brett Kavanaugh提名听证会后不久举行的一次录音(Brett Kavanaugh被三名女性质控性行为不检),和许多女性一样,Fiona对性暴力幸存者不被信任而倍感愤怒。2018年9月,唐纳德·特朗普提名的美国最高法院大法官被三名女性指控有不当性行为。其中一人目睹了作家兼记者马克·...
还是因为,音乐工业在漫长的下滑中已丧失绝对控制力,像Fiona Apple这样曾经的桀骜不驯者,没有因为叛逆而沉沦,反而在不太友好的环境中成功保持疏离,把握极好的节奏,不断进步,每拿出新作品都是惊喜,打破通常等待着独狼的悲惨下场。 Fiona Apple Fiona Apple今年42岁,住在加州,与数只狗为伴,它们的名字出现在专辑参与人...
Fiona Apple击碎的不只有同样闭门蜗居的我们早已被不痛不痒的日常分贝折磨得饥渴难耐的耳膜,还有她自己在过往音乐中展现出的矜持假象。她能摇滚,还要以最原始的冲动释放能量。假如这些简单粗暴的节拍没法使Apple脱缰的调子更不那么难以下咽,不要紧,Heavy Balloon、Relay和For Her也预示了一个更紧密咬合的方向,如果不是更...
For her new album, Fiona Apple is harkening back to her When the Pawn... days (if you recall, the full title of that album is an eight-line poem). The title of the new record is a mouthful: The Idler Wheel is wiser than the Driver of the Screw, and Whipping Cords will serve ...
For her fourth album, “The Idler Wheel . . .,” Fiona Apple wasn’t willing to let her work be mishandled. Nearly seven years ago, the reclusive singer/songwriter released third album “Extraordinary Machine,” a project that had been severely delayed (sophomore set ...
Fiona Apple 花了近五年的時間完成這張專輯 Fetch The Bolt Cutters,而且大多是在家裡錄製,「家」是這張專輯不可忽視的一部分,與其說是主題,不如說是承載主題的載體--畢竟這張專輯的主題圍繞在 Apple 自身對於女性主體的堅強與煎熬、以及她過去那些並不好受的記憶,諸
The Waterboys Recruit Bruce Springsteen, Fiona Apple for Dennis Hopper Concept Album By Tyler Jenke Jan 6, 2025 11:07 pm Music News Taylor Swift’s ‘Folklore’ Set For Big Opening Sales Week In U.K. By Lars Brandle Jul 27, 2020 11:10 pm First Stream (04/17/20): New Musi...
OK ladies now let's get in formation”霸气侧漏不同,Fiona Apple的“ladies ladies ladies ladies,...
Waxahatchee's Katie Crutchfield on Why Fiona Apple Is Her 'Icon & Influence' "I think her next record will probably be her best yet," Crutchfield says. "That's the kind of career I want to have" Music By Alison Weinflash Year In Review: From Britney Spears to Fiona Apple, Our Best...