'ENOMEM')oran integer.Example:ignore_error=EAGAIN,ENOSPC:122.This option will ignore EAGAIN from READ,andENOSPCand122(EDQUOT)from WRITE.意思是这个参数有三个域 分别是读,写,verify 要想让着三个类型忽略某种错需要后面跟上:加错误类型。
51CTO博客已为您找到关于fio io u error的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及fio io u error问答内容。更多fio io u error相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
It is useful to also use ignore_error=EAGAIN when using this option. Note: glibc 2.27, 2.28 have a bug in syscall wrappers preadv2, pwritev2. They return EOPNOTSUP instead of EAGAIN. For cached I/O, using this option usually means a request operates only with cached data. Currently the...
('ENOSPC','ENOMEM')orinteger.Example:ignore_error=EAGAIN,ENOSPC:122ThisoptionwillignoreEAGAINfromREAD,andENOSPCand122(EDQUOT)fromWRITE.error_dump=boolIfsetdumpeveryerrorevenifitisnonfatal,truebydefault.Ifdisabledonlyfatalerrorwillbedumpedcgroup=strAddjobtothiscontrolgroup.Ifitdoesn't exist, it will be...
int *error; char *fname;if (etype >= ERROR_TYPE_CNT) { log_err("Illegal error type\n"); return 1; }td->o.ignore_error_nr[etype] = 4; error = calloc(4, sizeof(int));i = 0; while ((fname = strsep(&str, ":")) != NULL) {if...
这个文档是对fio-2.0.9 HOWTO文档的翻译,fio的参数太多了,翻译这个文档时并没有测试每一个参数的功能和使用方法,只有少量参数做了试验,大部分的参数采用的是根据字面翻译或是个人理解的翻译,必然有些出入,先发出来,以后有使用的时候再被充和修改。在另一个文档中会对fio自带的实例进行分析,可能会更为清晰一些。
如果设置的话,fio will sort written verify blocks when it deems it faster to read them back in a sorted manner. This is often the case when overwriting an existing file, since the blocks are already laid out in the file system. You can ignore this option unless doing huge amounts of rea...
如果设置的话,fio will sort written verify blocks when it deems it faster to read them back in a sorted manner. This is often the case when overwriting an existing file, since the blocks are already laid out in the file system. You can ignore this option unless doing huge amounts of rea...
FIO参数ignore_error=str Sometimes you want to ignore some errors during test&n C语言 fio verify 原创 Wang_Xuemin 2015-01-30 19:48:13 7093阅读 磁盘读写测试--基于fio工具 本文使用fio工具进行磁盘性能的测试,主要包括测试随机写IOPS、测试随机读IOPS、测试写吞吐量、测试读吞吐量等测试实例 ...
FIO参数ignore_error=str Sometimes you want to ignore some errors during test&n C语言 fio verify 原创 Wang_Xuemin 2015-01-30 19:48:13 7080阅读 Linux磁盘IO性能测试工具fio使用示例 fio是一个功能丰富的I/O性能测试工具,可以通过命令行或者配置文件来执行测试。下面我将提供几个简单的使用示例,以展示如何...