“The stock screener is great as it has technical analysis filters as well as filters based on fundamental analysis. The screener is very easy to use and I usually go there to compile an initial list of stocks.” “Free services with lots of data. I like their homepage with the daily to...
return obb.equity.screener(filters=filters_dict, provider='finviz') ? Reason why i m asking is because my planned usage of OBB is not 'interactive'. I am planning to setup a server which runs uvicorn / obb REST, and have a separate process which calls OBB REST api to retrieve the data...
000.00 USDstarting balance. Once configured, the backtest iterates through each trading dataset and evaluates if it should buy or sell based off the pricing data. After it finishes, the tool will display a chart showing the algorithm'sbalanceand the stock...
behaving. there are a few more bits and pieces, but this is really just an entry point to more detailed features in finviz. screener this is by far one of the best stock screeners out there. it’s incredibly fast and powerful, and the different views over the results make it an ...
Please refer to thePublish Stock Alerts to Slack Jupyter Notebookfor the latest usage examples. Publish FinViz Screener Tickers to Slack Here is sample code for trying out the Slack integration. importanalysis_engine.finviz.fetch_apiasfvfromanalysis_engine.send_to_slackimportpost_df# simple NYSE Do...
Now start the rest of the stack with the command below. This will pull the~3.0 GB stock-analysis-engine docker imageand start the workers, backtester, dataset collection andJupyter image. It will startRedisandMinioif they are not running already. ...
Now start the rest of the stack with the command below. This will pull the~3.0 GB stock-analysis-engine docker imageand start the workers, backtester, dataset collection andJupyter image. It will startRedisandMinioif they are not running already. ...
Now start the rest of the stack with the command below. This will pull the~3.0 GB stock-analysis-engine docker imageand start the workers, backtester, dataset collection andJupyter image. It will startRedisandMinioif they are not running already. ...
Now start the rest of the stack with the command below. This will pull the~3.0 GB stock-analysis-engine docker imageand start the workers, backtester, dataset collection andJupyter image. It will startRedisandMinioif they are not running already. ...
Please refer to the Publish Stock Alerts to Slack Jupyter Notebook for the latest usage examples. Publish FinViz Screener Tickers to Slack Here is sample code for trying out the Slack integration. import analysis_engine.finviz.fetch_api as fv from analysis_engine.send_to_slack import post_df ...