isoisoäiti great grandmother Basicly just add iso- (big) in front of the word and you get one generation backwards every time. isoisoisä great grandfather lapsenlapsi grandchild pojanpoika son's son tyttärenpoika2 daughter's son pojantytär son's daughter tyttärentytär da...
He has a huge capacity for accepting other people. That's what makes him special. Besides lending books, libraries offer various other services. We carry out treatments like whitening. We also do tobacco stain removal and other cleaning procedures. My grandmother is hard of hearing. In other ...
My grandmother is hard of hearing. In other words she is slightly deaf. Hundreds of people marry each year who have known each other only a few days or weeks. Spending time with your significant other should be high on your priority list. ...
Panda, Brunberg, and Halva. These are the big factories in Finland. But there’s many other yummy candies and snacks than the above – some of them, like Salmiakki in all its varieties, rather hard for the non-Finn to acquire a taste for. So here are twenty iconic Finnish snacks ...
In an old copy of the Finnish magazine "Kotiliesi"(“home stove”, or maybe “hearth”?) we find the columnIsoäiti vastan elämänkysymyksiin, which is something like “Grandmother answers your everyday life questions”, with the single wordelämänkysymyksiinmeaning “everyday lif...
I had never eaten any kind of Thai food, so I was pretty excited about going to a Thai restaurant with my grandmother. You're pretty calm cool and collected for somebody who has a major presentation tomorrow. If you buddy up to everybody and anybody, pretty soon people will think you'...
When he openly declared he would marry Pablo, he almost gave his grandmother a heart attack and made his aunt's eyes burst out of their sockets; however, his little sister beamed with pride. Nowadays, however, calculators can be used freely in school examinations, and already in many schools...
My grandfather had completed the wood work and my grandmother finished the piece with paint. The father of a father is a grandfather, a grandfather's father is a great-grandfather, a great-grandfather's father is a great-great-grandfather, but no word has been decided upon for the generatio...
Every day grandfather and grandmother gave the kitten plenty of milk, and soon the kitten grew nice and plump. I hear some tribes in eastern Africa live on milk products. A whale is a mammal; in other words it feeds milk to its young. English word "maito"(milk) occurs in sets:Top 10...
I don't have enough peaches for a pie My grandmother gave me fresh peach and it tasted really good. Valerie bit into the ripe peach and its juice ran down her chin. Country girls like to cut red paper into peach and plum blossoms and paste them onto doors and windows. English word "...