Thermo/Finnigan cross referenceLTQ™LXQ™LCQ™PolarisQ™GCQ™Finnigan Ion TrapITS-40MSQ™DSQ™SSQ700SSQ700051004600450040003200, OWA1021, OWAOWAINCOSTSQ Quantum™TSQ7000TSQ700TSQ70MAT 253MAT 252MAT 251MAT900MAT908200VELOSFinnigan/VarianFilamentsMultipliersVacuum SuppliesSource Parts & Supplies...
Thermo Finnigan manufactures magnetic sector mass spectrometers for isotopic and elemental analysis. The DELTAplus, with close to 600 installations, is the most successful IRMS ever made; it is complemented by the MAT 253. The Neptune MC-ICPMS, Triton TIMS, and ELEMENT2 HR-ICPMS are the highes...