Finnfund是一家芬兰发展融资公司,为发展中国家的盈利和负责任投资提供公司长期风险融资。我们通过为企业融资促进可持续发展,创造就业和繁荣。 查看更多企业信息> 修改信息 关注 认领企业 委托联系 维护信息 相关企业 关于TOIPO模型 亿欧“TOIPO模型”旨在通过数据呈现企业创新力,帮助企业明确提升方向,如需相关服务,欢...
烏茲別克斯坦Ipak Yuli Bank 獲芬蘭基金Finnfund1500萬美元資金支持 烏茲別克斯坦Ipak Yuli Bank 芬蘭基金Finnfund 美元優先貸款 私營商業銀行 時間: 2023-09-24 12:13:41 流覽量: 35796 聯繫方式 UDF簡介 業務流程 用戶協議 隱私聲明 商務合作 Copyright© 2017优维金融空间 津ICP备16008169号-1UDF www.udf...
finnfund 提供职业规划、招聘以及在线学习服务的“Fuzu”获180万欧元种子轮融资 提供职业规划、招聘以及在线学习服务的芬兰初创企业Fuzu宣布获得180万欧元种子轮融资,本次交易的投资方为FinnFund。据悉,Fuzu计划利用本轮资金加强企业发展以及将业务扩展到亚洲和非洲等新兴市场。 Fuzu是一家为用户提供个性化职业规划建议...
Finnfund is a development financier and impact investor. It builds a sustainable future and generates lasting impact by investing in businesses that solve global development challenges. Read more ↓ Report AD. Remove this ad space bysubscribing. ...
乌兹别克斯坦Ipak Yuli Bank 获芬兰基金Finnfund1500万美元资金支持 乌兹别克斯坦Ipak Yuli Bank 芬兰基金Finnfund 美元优先贷款 私营商业银行 时间: 2023-09-24 12:13:41 浏览量: 42428 联系方式 UDF简介 业务流程 用户协议 隐私声明 商务合作 Copyright© 2017优维金融空间 津ICP备16008169号-1UDF...
Finnfund, a Finnish development financier and impact investor, issues a EUR 100 million green bond. The 10-year bond bears interest at the rate of 3.5% per annum. The bond offering was placed to international investors, including a portion of dedicated green bond investors/portfolios. The bond...
Finnfund’s commitment is part of the first close of Uhuru Growth Fund I (UGF) at USD 113 million, announced byUhuru Investment Partners. The fund has a target fund size of USD 200 million. In addition to Finnfund, UGF’s other international investors include European... 用户组:LV1 奇瑞QQ finnfund |公司:广州亿海商科技有限公司|职位:产品经理 所在行业:IT/互联网所在城市:上海 手机: 仅好友可见微信: 仅好友可见QQ: 仅好友可见加为好友 安全提醒:该用户未实名认证、职业认证、企业认证,请谨慎合作,建议合作前充分了解对方资信并签署协议,特别是...
Finnfund, a Finnish development finance company and impact investor, has provided a US$10mn senior loan to First National Bank Ghana Ltd The investment aims to support theGhanaian financial sectorand the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and in particular, foster affordable ...
The article reports that Finnfund, a Finland-based PE investor, has announced a commitment worth USD 4 million to SEAF South Balkan Fund (SBF), raising the fund size to USD 17.8 million. Finnfund will be the sixth shareholder in the fund. The fund has received commitments from the Dutch ...