The Kettelhut Chair The Whisky Chair The France Chair The Nyhavn Dining Table Pelican Chair Gotland Sheepskin The Fireplace Chair The 57 Sofa The 46 Sofa The 77 Chair The Chieftain Chair Anniversary The Table Bench The Nyhavn Desk w/ Tray Unit ...
Finn Juhl的设计风格深受雕塑家让·阿尔普(Jean Arp)的影响,呈现出流畅且柔软的有机设计形式。他的作品以美学为主,实用为辅,展现出极简的表现力,将力与美的完美结合,给人一种亲切优雅的视觉感和触觉感。随着Finn Juhl的名气越来越大,许多家具大厂纷纷与他合作。1951年,他为美国贝克公司(Baker Furniture, Inc.)...
Finn Juhl被誉为20世纪最伟大的家具设计师之一,他是丹麦现代设计运动的先锋,以其优雅而贴合人体的设计而闻名。🛋️ 在酋长椅的左侧,你可以看到阅读室书架前的一件绿色沙发,它同样出自Finn Juhl之手。这款Baker Sofa诞生于1951年,是Finn Juhl为美国家具公司Baker Furniture设计的,这不仅让Finn Juhl在丹麦设计界声...
Bon Marché to host Finn Juhl furniture exhibition Paris department store Bon Marché Rive Gauche will host an exhibition offurnitureby Danish designer Finn Juhl to celebrate the 75th anniversary of his Pelican Chair and two new product launches.More ...
One of Finn Juhl's First Attempts Artistic Freedom in the Form of Furniture The Grasshopper was one of Finn Juhl’s first attempts at expressing his artistic freedom in the form of furniture. Standing in complete contrast to his contemporary colleagues, Finn Juhl was neither a trained cabinetmak...
Finn JuhlFinn Juhl--designers--Ansuner Modern designer furniture from Artifort, Bensen, Carl Hansen, Flos, Fritz Hansen, Herman Miller, Kartell, Knoll, Vitra and more.
丹麦建筑师 Finn Juhl 不仅和 Arne Jacobsen、Hans Wegner 以及Borge Mogensen 并列为丹麦四大巨匠,Finn Juhl 的无可取代,更在于他是第一位将丹麦当代风格带向国际的设计师,他对设计艺术性的重视、甚至每一件设计都是向工匠的挑战之作,因而造就他的作品稀少、且为后世深爱而争相收藏的重要原因。
Finn Juhl 也吸引不少家具大厂争相与他合作;1951年Finn Juhl 替美国贝克公司(Baker Furniture, Inc.)设计出被誉为「最美丽沙发之一」的《贝克沙发》(Baker Sofa)。 采分割元素打造出轻盈视觉效果的《贝克沙发》,除了流线的时尚造型与轻质的木料椅脚,最厉害的是它能让使用者的头部、手臂、背脊完全释放,肢体也能轻...
Finn Juhl Baker Sofa Finn Juhl Chieftain Chair Finn Juhl Chieftain Sofa Finn Juhl Cocktail Table Finn Juhl Eye Table Finn Juhl Kaufmann Table Finn Juhl Pelican Chair Finn Juhl Pelican Table Finn Juhl Ross Coffee Table Finn Juhl The Poet Sofa ...
In 1945 Juhl set up his own design studio and set out to create solid wood furniture with an organic sculptural quality. Superb craftsmanship was balanced with free flowing forms to create a sense of weightlessness, as represented in the now iconic Chieftain Chair (1949). Juhl was also one ...