Finland is a country in northern Europe. Finland belongs to the Nordic countries which also include Norway, Sweden and Iceland. It is the easternmost country of the Scandinavian countries. Finland borders Sweden to the West, Norway to the North, Russia to the East and the Baltic Sea to the ...
Page about the country Finland, its capital, currency, animals, and more... Discover Finland right on this page.
Finland is a generally low-lying country. The terrain is close to sea level in the southern half of the country, rising in the north and northeast. Nearly the entire northern half of Finland, including its most elevated terrain, belongs to the larger region known as Lapland, which stretches...
Finlandis a parliamentary republic, divided into 19 regions governed by regional councils, 70subregions, and 311 municipalities, which form the administrative authorities of the country. Åland is an autonomous province under federacy. Although the country is in Northern Europe, its climate is charac...
Historically, Finlandbelongs to the Scandinavian cultural zone and Estonia to the CentralEuropean: the historical upper classes in Finland spoke Swedish, in EstoniaGerman. Finnish abounds with metaphors and everyday phrases which aredirect translations from Swedish – and through Swedish – mostly of ...
Researchers have established a correlation between specific natural disasters and climate change in the region to which Finland belongs, as ecological deterioration and climatic shifts are on the rise in the Arctic region (Alola et al., 2023). Historically, the Finnish economy has experienced minimal...
The Finnish are fanatical coffee lovers, consuming more coffee per person than any other country. In north Finland, the sun shines all day and night for the months of June and July. Finland is famous for its eclectic World Championships, which include wife carrying, mobile-phone throwing and ...
Finland's defense forces consist of 35,000 persons in uniform (26,000 army; 5,000 navy; and 4,000 air force). The country's defense budget equals about 1.3% of GDP. There is universal male conscription under which all men serve from six to 12 months. As of 1995, women were permitte...
be found, which could be the main reasons behind Finnish and Shanghai’s education success: 1) Excellent teachers and high-quality teacher education; 2) School Partnerships 3) Pedagogical approaches. This article is to explore these three factors and bring up some differences that leave to ...
NATOball, doing so in April 2023, hoping to gain further security after Russiaballinvaded Ukraineball. As the drunkest countryball in Europe, Finlandball does not have many friends. Its adoptive sibling is Swedenball, but it is of family. However, some consider its dear sibling ...