在NLP中,FSM包含一个起始节点和一个终止结点,然后通过all possible combination of condition labels,就能去generate, recognize language了。 而FST呢,就是一种special type of FSM. 具体的来说,FST会有一个input string和一个output string, 对比起对于某种状态我要么接受条件做出转移,要么我就原地不动的FSM来说,...
Finite state transducer (FST) LING 570 Fei Xia Week 3: 10/10/2007 Applications of FSTs • ASR • Tokenization • Stemmer • Text..
A python wrapper for theRussian finite-state transducerdescribed originally in chapter 2 ofmy dissertation. If you use this work in your research please cite the following: Reynolds, Robert J. "Russian natural language processing for computer-assisted language learning: capturing the benefits of deep...
Stochastic finite-state transducer technology is proposed to support this CAT system. The system was assessed on two real tasks of different complexity in several languages.doi:10.1007/11780885_5Jorge CiveraJuan Miguel VilarElsa CubelAntonio L. Lagarda...