A technique for compact representation of language models in Natural Language Processing is presented. After a brief review of the motivations for a more compact representation of such language models, it is shown how finite-state automata can be used to compactly represent such language models. ...
Finite-state technology (FST) is a general term for the use of finite-state automata and transducers in computational linguistics and natural language processing (NLP). FST is very versatile, having been used very successfully for descri... S Wintner 被引量: 16发表: 2004年 Parsing with Finite...
Based on reference this paper investigated each part of an artificial leg controlsystem and designed in detail the circuits for its controller by using the implementationmethod of finitestate automata.The events sequence model of the leg had been improvedand made more intuitive.The problems of dual...
Finite state transducer Finite-state transducers • x:y is a notation for a mapping between two alphabets: • An FST processes an input string, and outputs another string as the output. • Finite-state automata equate to regular languages, and FSTs equate to regular relations. ...
tions that can be computed by finite-state automata are called rational functions. How does minimization generalize to arbitrary weight semirings? The question is of practical as well as theoret- ical interest. Some NLP automata use the real semiring ...
Geyken, A., Hanneforth, T.: TAGH: a complete morphology for german based on weighted finite state automata. In: Yli-Jyrä, A., Karttunen, L., Karhumäki, J. (eds.) FSMNLP 2005. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 4002, pp. 55–66. Springer, Heidelberg (2006). https://doi.org/10.1007/1178...
Tiburon: A Weighted Tree Automata Toolkit Summary: The availability of weighted finite-state string automata toolkits made possible great advances in natural language processing. However, recent advances in syntax-based NLP model design are unsuitable for these toolkits. To comb... KK Jonathan May -...
Pereira, F., Riley, M.: Speech recognition by composition of weighted finite automata. In: Roche, E., Schabes, Y. (eds.) Finite-state Language Processing, pp. 431–453. The MIT Press, Cambridge (1997) Rose, D.J., Tarjan, R.E.: Algorithmic aspects of vertex elimination. In: Proce...
This paper addresses the implementation of virtual network operations in xfst (XEROX Finite State Technology software). The example of "priority union" which is particularly useful in NLP, is developed.Franck GuingneFlorent NicartImplementation and application of automata: 7th international conference, ...
According to [1], spell checking is a process of comparing an input word with a complete master list of acceptable words and rejects those words from the input that have no match in the master list.In this proposed work, we use finite state automata techniques to detect wrongly spelled ...