Niederreiter, Finite Fields 1. 群(Group) 1.1. 群的定义 定义1.1.1 一个集合 G 在其上一个二元运算(Binary operation) ∗ 的作用下被称为群(Group),若满足以下三条性质: 结合律(Associativity):任意 a,b,c∈G ,满足 a∗(b∗c)=(a∗b)∗c; 单位元(Identity):存在 e∈G ,对于任意 a∈...
Finite fields 添加到生词本 有穷的yǒuqióng definite 有限物yǒu xiànwùfinite 字段zì duànfield;fields 雷区léiqūminefield 耢lào a farmtool for levellingthefields; leveller; level 视场shìchǎngfieldof view;field 阡陌纵横qiān mò zòng héng Straight paths crossthefields.; numerous footpaths ...
A dual finite fields algorithm for elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) is presented. 提出一种支持椭圆曲线加密体制的双有限域算法。 4. The invention also covers a method and apparatus that can perform calculations in both finite-fields and modular integer arithmetic. 此外,该发明专利...
Theorem 22.1: Classification of Finite Fields For each prime p and each positive integer n, there is, up to isomorphism, a unique finite field of order pn Proof: Consider the splitting field E of f(x)=xpn−x over Zp . We will show that |E|=pn . (1) ...
Finite fields, also known as Galois fields, are used in algebraic computation, error-correcting codes, cryptography, combinatorics, algebraic geometry, number theory and finite geometry. The Wolfram Language provides a complete suite of functions for wor
Finite Fields 作者:Dirk Hachenberger 出版年:1997-1 页数:183 定价:$ 247.47 ISBN:9780792398516 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单 小朋友 2023年3月23日 想读 >1人想读
作者:Igor Shparlinski 出版年:2010-12 页数:544 定价:$ 157.07 ISBN:9789048152032 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· This book provides an exhaustive survey of the most recent achievements in the theory and applications of finite fields and in many r...
Finite Fields and Their Applicationsis a peer-reviewed technical journal publishing papers infinite field theoryas well as in applications offinite fields. As a result of applications in a wide variety of areas, finite fields are increasingly important in several areas ofmathematics, … ...
【预订】Finite Fields 预订商品,按需印刷,需要1-3个月发货,非质量问题不接受退换货。 作者:Lidl,Rudolf,Niederreiter,Harald出版社:Cambridge University Press 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥2018.51 配送至 北京市东城区 运费6元,满49元包邮 服务
finite-fields:有限域中的算术Mu**te 上传275KB 文件格式 zip Haskell 有限域 这是一个在有限域中实现算术的Haskell库。 地位 到目前为止,我们已经实现了: 通用素数字段-模块Math.FiniteField.PrimeField.Generic 小质数字段,其中小意为p < 2^31模块Math.FiniteField.PrimeField.Small 较小的Galois字段,使用...