邮编:201706 电话:021-62728646 传真:021-62728538 E-mail:shanghai@healforce.com 咨询 产品详情 证书 彩页 Specifications Model Prince-100D2 Version Display Screen 1.1" Dot-matrix full color OLED Multi-direction Display 4 directions Pulse Rate (PR) ...
2. Electrosurgical equipment and defibrillator will affect the use of this instrument. 3. It cannot be used together with MRI or CT equipment. 4. Do not squeeze the silicone pad with your fingers during use. 5. Before using the pulse oximeter, it must be ensured that the pulse oximeter is...
TD-8255 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter (Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor) supports Bluetooth connection. Fingertip Pulse Oximeter (Blood Oxygen Saturation Monitor) features SpO2, pulse rate and readings could be uploaded to Healthy Check app. Soft touch rubber helps enhance patient comfort....
血氧仪指夹式指尖式家用fingertip pulse oximeter 精装至尊款蓝血氧仪301型 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择颜色 旗舰款血氧仪301型 精装至尊款蓝血氧仪301型 精装至尊款黑血氧仪305型 更多商品信息 上翻下翻 ...
shenzhen huge industry limited is best Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, Quantum magnetic resonance analyzer and Fetal Doppler supplier, we has good quality products & service from China.
1.RedandInfrared-rayEmissionTube 2.RedandInfrared-rayReceiptTube PrecautionsForUse 1Beforeuse,carefullyreadthemanual. 2Operationofthefingertippulseoximetermaybeaffectedbytheuseofanelectrosurgicalunit(ESU). 3ThefingertippulseoximetermustbeabletomeasurethepulseproperlytoobtainanaccurateSpO2measurement.Verify ...
SHO-1002 China, Pulse Oximeter can be detected SPO2 and pulse rate through finger. The product is suitable for being used in family, hospital, oxygen bar, community healthcare, physical care in
Shop at Yoho for XPower AD901 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, check the price, discount and specifications
This fingertip pulse oximeter is suitable for being used in family, hospital, oxygen bar, community healthcare, physical care in sports (It can be used before or after doing sports, and it is not recommended to use the device during the process of having sport) and etc.Main Feat...
> 心电/血氧仪 > 血氧仪 > 通用(GE) > 蝶游卖场店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.6 高 物流履约: 3.3 低 售后服务: 4.7 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 血氧oximeter 血氧仪指夹式指尖式家用用fingertip pulse oximeter 【旗舰款】血氧仪301型 ...