推荐列表(5) Where Is Thumbkin?(伴奏版) Super Simple Songs Where Is Thumbkin? Super Simple Learning Where Is Thumbkin? LittleBabyBum Where is Thumbkin Mary Fan Where is Thumbkin(伴奏版) Mary FanWhere is Thumbkin? | Fingerplays for Infants and Toddlers | Nursery Rhyme...
Easy English for toddlers 380个粉丝 Dr. Jean shares finger plays for young children. 其它视频 2:09 Children's song, Skiddle merinky rink dink, I love you, The Hearts and Teddy Bear Show 4 人观看 2:36 Animals Talk Music Video by Brad Trofin and Peter Weatherall 3 人观看 1:14...
He loves to play games and she loves to sing songs and it’s no surprise that they do, because it is so very good for them. From the minute they’re born (actually, even before they’re born) parents and loved ones should begin to engage them in conversations and loving interactions....