Typing Practice - Finger TyperQuizás te interese Dactilo Zoo - Lite Educación Typing Land Educación Type Flash - typing game Educación Typesy - Touch Typing Educación GreatTyping Educación Pinyin Helper - Learn Chinese Referencia
A good typing program will ensure there are multiple levels corresponding to each set of keys, so you can practice with the ones you know before moving on to exercises that use more of the keyboard. Completing one level at a time and receiving plenty of positive feedback from your online s...
You can create your own text to practice or pick from a huge list of user generated practice texts. Just select one text from the top-list and you will be garantied to have a fun and challenging experience. Start now and improve your typing skills even further!
Master the keyboard by revealing 16 medieval worlds Start anywhere, adjust your goals Complete the challenge to take on the Dark Typist! Reward and Bonus Movies play on completion of typing goals Learn more about how students can master typing... ...
When people without motor deficits interface with computers or video games, the control paradigm is heavily reliant upon—or even requires—dexterous finger movements for a computer keyboard or video game controller to manipulate not just one cursor but multiple digital cursors, endpoints and buttons....
In a within-subjects design, Finnish students (n = 31) from the University of Lapland transcribed dictated stories using a pencil, a computer keyboard and a virtual touchscreen keyboard. The degree of recollection for each writing task was analysed 30 min after the session and then one week ...
With the advent of the computer, the same identification concept was adapted to a computer keyboard. In 1983, J. Garcia filed the first patent describing a method able to identify a person via their style of typing on a computer keyboard3. In the last 30 years, many have proposed the ...
Typing Practice - Finger Typer Quizás te interese Dactilo Zoo - Lite Educación Teclear con 10 dedos LT Educación Typing Land Educación 拼音打字练习-输入法学习软件大全通 Educación Type Flash - typing game Educación Typesy - Touch Typing Educación Best Typing Lessons and Test Educaci...
Typing Practice: Mecanografía es un juego "prehistórico" que enseña a mecanografiar rápido y entrena las magníficas habilidades de reacción. El jugador debe tec…
This is analogous to fingers typing by “hunt and peck” on a conventional keyboard, and it is slow. Users can improve their rate of input by developing strategies for where they hover their fingers and for when a particular finger is used, as people do when hunting and pecking, but the...