Full recovery may take a few weeks, but swelling and stiffness may linger for 6 months. If your finger was very stiff before surgery, your doctor will probably suggest physical therapy to teach you exercises to help loosen it. Complications of trigger finger surgery Every surgical procedure has...
A finger splint is a stiff metal, wood, or plastic splint that's used to keep a finger immobile after an injury. The best way to...
Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, isa condition affecting the tendons of the hand. It is a painful condition in which thefingers or thumb get locked in a bending position. There is difficulty in straightening the affected finger. Clicking or popping sound is heard on straight...
John Wilson and Thomas Best of the University of Wisconsin Medical School recommend another old-fashioned home remedy: applying ice to overused tendons to reduce swelling. Hand and Finger Exercises Stretching is a time-honored way to alleviate stiffness and a proven way to deal with stiff or irri...
Moving a fractured finger is difficult (and painful) since one or more sections of the bone are no longer connected. It’s also likely that swelling and bruising makes your finger too stiff to move comfortably following any injuries. 4 See if your finger bends at an odd angle or if you ...
A finger splint is a stiff metal, wood, or plastic splint that's used to keep a finger immobile after an injury. The best way to...