As a sampling strategy, finger-prick blood spot collection offers the advantages of short collection time, low invasiveness, repeatability, absence of postcollection processing, low biohazard risk, and ease of sample storage and transport. We document good sample stability and present sensitive assay ...
Using 100l finger-prick blood samples, the Cepheid Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load and HIV-1 Qual cartridges were compared with laboratory pVL assessment (TaqMan, Roche). For participants with undetectable viraemia by TaqMan, there was poor concordance without centrifugation with the TaqMan platform with ...
a fingerstick blood sample is collected and fills into the device's sample collector which, in turn, connects to the casette that is inserted to the tool's analyzer.
Individuals from 33 unrelated Australian families with optic atrophy were screened for 10 different single base alterations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) associated with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) using direct polymerase chain reaction amplification of blood spots collected on Guthrie cards. Th...
Dry eye syndrome (DES) causes significant morbidity. Trials of blood-derived products in treatment of the condition show promising results. However, their production is expensive and time-consuming. We investigate fingerprick autologous blood (FAB) as an
A simple finger-prick blood test could help prevent unnecessary prescribing of antibiotics for people with the lung condition chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), according to a new study by researchers from Cardiff University, University of Oxf
blood analyzer to perform a complete blood count(CBC) test on just two drops of blood. The complete blood count test –which calculates and characterizes the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a patient’s blood sample – is one of the most routine tests ...
(redirected fromFingerprick) Medical Wikipedia finger stick orfin·ger·stick(fĭng′gər-stĭk′) n. The drawing of blood from the fingertip, usually with a thin blade and a micropipette, for diagnostic testing. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrig...
Purpose: Autologous hemoderivative eye drops have a role in the management of persistent epithelial defects (PEDs), but their use may be limited by cost and availability. Finger-prick autologous blood (FAB) treatment uses whole capillary blood, obtained from a sterilized fingertip, as an ...
Most DBS versus plasma VL studies are performed using DBS from EDTA-blood collected by venipuncture (venous blood) [4], [8]. However, DBS are most likely to be prepared by fingerprick (adults) or heel-stick (infants) in remote settings [4]. In this study, a side by side evaluation ...