O: Right index finger: bruising of finger, mild edema, Full Active and passive ROM, Tender to palpation, no warmth. Brisk capillary refills; right radial and ulnar pulse +3 171 Words 1 Pages Decent Essays Read More Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Hand Injury In Sports Medicine The bad news is, ...
Pain, swelling, and bruising are usually noted over the ulnar aspect (the index finger side) of the MCP joint of the thumb. The patient will also be tender on palpation of this area. Occasionally, a mass or a lump can be felt at the site of tenderness, suggesting aStener Lesion*. In...
Pain, swelling, and bruising are usually noted over the ulnar aspect (the index finger side) of the MCP joint of the thumb. The patient will also be tender on palpation of this area. Occasionally, a mass or a lump can be felt at the site of tenderness, suggesting aStener Lesion*. In...