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15th century, in the meaning defined atsense 1 Verb 1742, in the meaning defined atintransitive sense Time Traveler The first known use offinessewas in the 15th century See more words from the same century Browse Nearby Words finespun
FINESSE meaning: skill and cleverness that is shown in the way someone deals with a situation, problem, etc.
exceptional diplomatic finesse. Synonyms:sensibility,sensitivity,circumspection,diplomacy,tact a trick, artifice, or stratagem. Bridge, attempt to win a trick with a card while holding a higher card not in sequence with it, in the hope that the card or cards between will not be played...
Dictionary definition of the word finesse The meaning of finesse finesse 1 definition of the word finesse. Noun Subtly skillful handling of a situationWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in finesse? 6 Letter Words seines6 sensei6 5 Letter Words esnes5 fesse8 fines8 neifs8 se...
Meaning of Finesse from wikipedia - In contract bridge and similar games, a finesse is a type of card play technique which will enable a player to win an additional trick or tricks should...- Avengers Academy #1 (June 2010). Foucault is known under the codename Finesse. She is the daught...
这名前锋队员巧妙地让球绕过两名防守队员,将它踢向守门员的左侧得分。Did You Know?Finesse originally referred to refinement or delicacy of workmanship, structure, or texture; that sense is based on French fin, meaning "fine." In time, the noun was applied to the "delicate" handling of a ...
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改编自 Ngrams 数据仅供参考。 分享"finesse" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning offinesse 广告 想移除广告吗?查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。 简体中文 (Chinese) © 2001 -2025Douglas Harper...
In French, the main meaning remains "delicate, intricately skillful;" in English since c. 1300finehas been also a general broad expression of admiration or approval, the equivalent of Frenchbeau(as infine arts, "those which appeal to the mind and the imagination," 1767, translating Frenchbeaux...