Fine-tuning stage,也就是微调阶段,其主要目的是「提高模型对指令(instruction)的遵循能力」。主要包括Instruction SFT(指令监督微调)、DPO、KTO等技术,本文重点讲解这三类微调技术; Prompting stage,也就是使用模型推理阶段,其主要目的是「让模型按照你的期望输出结果」。这个阶段所使用的模型学习技术主要是ICL(In-Conte...
(2)若不带RQA或RAR两个微调任务(训练中的第二个阶段中的任务),则有近1个点的下降; (3)如果训练中只进行SFT模型,不进行Stage-II训练,则有10个点下降,这说明论文中设计的Stage-II指令任务的有效性。 总结一下:RankRAG框架思路比较简洁,且操作起来也很容易:就是增加一些检索相关则子任务训练,然后让LLM具备重排...
第一点是数据在 Stage 之间能够方便且高效的传输,应当尽量避免数据落盘带来的序列化开销,纯内存的... Fine Tune、强化学习等 ChatGPT 的训练。**Ray 基础架构**![picture.image](
Tech football coach reaches stage two: fine-tuningMike Whiteford
This leads to a two-stage alignment process heavily incurring resources. By combining these stages into one, ORPO aims to preserve the domain adaptation benefits of SFT while concurrently discerning and mitigating unwanted generation styles as aimed towards by preference-...
Inspired by the supervised fine-tuning in chatbot domains, we prioritize a two-stage fine-tuning process: first conducting supervised fine-tuning to orient the LLM towards time-series data, followed by task-specific downstream finetuning. Furthermore, to unlock the flexibility of pre-trained LLMs...
这句话里,要搞清楚的东西是pretrain-finetuning:它能够解决的问题是缺少label的问题。 Current studies use existing techniques, such as weight constraint, representation constraint, which are derived from images or text data, to transfer the invariant knowledge from the pre-train stage to fine-tuning...
Figure 4: Architecture and workflow of HydraLoRA. During the fine-tuning stage, HydraLoRA first adaptively identifies and initializes N of intrinsic components without specific domain knowledge. It then employs a trainable MoE router that treats each intrinsic component as an expert to automatically ...
Few-shot object detection has attracted increasing attention and rapidly progressed in recent years. However, the requirement of an exhaustive offline fine-tuning stage in existing methods is time-consuming and significantly hinders their usage in online applications such as autonomous exploration of low...
总结:在cross entory的基础上,引入SCL,仅此而已 论文: 资料: ABSTRACT we propose a supervised contrastive learning (SCL) objective for the fine-tuning stage INTRODUCTION ...