Solute transport in fine sandy loam soil under different flow rates. Agricultural Water Management, 83:111-118.Costa JL, Prunty L, 2006. Solute transport in fine sandy loam soil under different flow rates. Agri Water Manage J, 83: 111-118....
2) fine sandy loam 细砂壤土3) loamy fine sand 壤质细砂4) underground continuous wall 中细砂土 1. Study on the technical feasibility for underground continuous wall builted by jetting and mixing cement powder into mid\|fine sand; 中细砂土水泥粉喷搅拌地下墙的可行性研究——以山西省滹沱...
3) fine sandy loam 细砂壤土 4) sandy soil 砂质土壤 1. Effect of humic acid on adsorption of hexavalent chromium insandy soil; 腐殖酸对砂质土壤吸附Cr(VI)的影响 2. Analytical data for elements of Cu,Pb,Zn,Mo and V insandy soilsamples in the Proficiency Testing(PT) Program(CNAL T0242...
5) loamy soil 壤质土壤6) fine sandy loam 细砂壤土;细亚砂土;细砂质垆坶补充资料:土壤细流 1.语出《史记.李斯列传》:"是以太山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能就其深。"后因以"土壤细流"比喻微不足道的事物。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
pasture. The study was conducted at two sites on a Charlottetown fine sandy loam, an Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol (Haplorthod). Although the tillage comparisons produced significant changes in soil porosity, pore-size distribution, pore continuity, aggregation and soil strength, the range in physical...
The retention of lead by a very fine sandy loam was investigated. Aqueous lead concentrations between 10 and 1000 mg/L and soil concentrations ranging from 10 to 167 g/L were used. Lead retention by the soil was a strong function of pH. The width of the pHadsorption edge decreased with ...
leadsoil chemistryloamdecontaminationedtaretentionkineticsremovalThe kinetics of lead retention and release by a silty loam and a fine sandy loam was investigated. Batch experiments were conducted to assess the rate and degree of lead retention. The rate of lead sorption onto the soils was determined...
sand fraction, semiarid zones, wind speed, loam soils, silt, silt loam soils, dust emissions, Haploxerolls, sand, semiarid soils, soil sampling, silt fraction, Haplocambids, particulate emissions, sandy loam soils, agricultural soils, wind tunnels...
The finer-textured soils (clay and loam) mineralized more carbon than the sandy loam. After 102 days of incubation, variation in carbon mineralization for all soils ranged from 0.5 to 1.9 mg CO2-C g−1 for the top soil and from 0.4 to 1.0 for the second depth. The amount of total ...
2004. Influence of compost on the physical properties and organic matter fractions of a fine sandy loam throughout the cycle of a potato rotation. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 84(2): 211-218.Carter M R,Sanderson J B,MacLeod J A. Influence of compost on the physical properties and ...