Fine Motor Skills Checklist for Toddlers(18 months – 36 months) Fine Motor Skills Checklist for Preschoolers(Ages 3-5) Fine Motor Skills Checklist for Early Elementary(Ages (6+) Fine Motor Skill Development Ages 0-3 Developmental Milestones for Fine Motor Skills Ages 0-6– Free Printable Inclu...
Fine Motor Skills Developmental Milestones: Early Childhood ActivitiesLoubina Buxamusa|Ann Mahoney
all fine motor development milestones in children relate to the ability of a child to use their hands in more refined and purposeful movements.[7]For example, at 2 months of age, a child may be expected to hold a rattle, and at 12 months...
Gross and Fine Motor Skills The Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 (MABC-2) was used to assess gross and fine motor skills [37]. This battery, intended for assessment of children aged 3–16 years, consists of 8 subtests that produce a Total Score and 3 component scores: Manual De...