You could see the sweat in the fine hairs above his upper lip. You go on without me. I’ll be fine. 别管我了,你继续吧。我没事的。 You’re a fine one to talk! 哪有你说话的分儿! Your speech was absolutely fine. people who enjoy the finer things in life享受生活中美好事物的人 Ke...
1. Threading:This originated in the east and works by plucking hair at thefolliclelevel. Using this method, it is possible to remove a row of hair which leaves straighter lines if desired. The advantage of threading is that it can easily remove very fine hair with leaving the redness some ...
above a golf course, and with its own quick-dip pool. The open-sided establishment has a wraparound balcony, ceiling fans, and walls in a deep salmon hue. The menu is
We next used miR-Zip lentiviral technique to inhibit endogenous miR-223 activity (miR-Zip-223) in myeloid cell lines. An miR-scrambled vector was used as a control (miR- Zip-Scr). In HL60 wild-type and miR-Zip-Scr cells, NFI-A protein, a validated miR-223 target,25 is down...
Severe drought (SD) stress reduced the putrescine accumulation significantly in both the ECM and NM oak seedlings, which may be attributed to the fact that putrescine is a precursor for both prolines as well as biosynthesis of higher polyamines, spermine, and spermidine [80,82,83]. Higher ...
In light of the above problems, an early warning method based on fine risk evaluation and hierarchical advanced forecast was established. First, the improved efficacy coefficient model was introduced into the fine risk evaluation of water inrush in a tunnel. The efficacy coefficient method is widely...