宋朝。The Fine Print由The Stupendium 铃兰单簧管左手巴里昂左边的男中音GUITAR曼多林 英国管弦乐歌曲 自动滚动器 转化器 +6+5+4+3+2+10-1-2-3-4-5-6 颜色 #c7523a#000000#0f5ed7#00a3d7#03d400#77bb41#ffaa00#ff4013#ed729f#8f46ab
line marker lord rings leaf lot molds casting silicone maker naruto night notes nature novelty non no tassel notebook nasa national parks organizer one piece ocean owl ouch outlander direction office otter paper pack packaging printing post its page pink...
(Note on guitar solo: This a fairly loose rendering of the solo. There are two lead guitar lines playing simultaneously, and it's difficult to distinguish what each one is playing since they cross over each other. I've attempted to pick out and transcribe one guitar line, but it's not ...
Question marks indicate lyrics that I'm unsure of. Any help on that front would be greatly appreciated. (I'm also still missing pieces of "One Single River" and "I Don't Hurt Anymore", if there are any good samaritans out there.) I you find this useful, please drop me a line. -...
The battery terminal gave me some trouble reconnecting because it appeared there was an offset by 1-2 mm, it did not line up perfectly the first time. I plugged it back in, and tightened the single screw for the battery, put it all back together and the Mac did not recognize the ...
The battery terminal gave me some trouble reconnecting because it appeared there was an offset by 1-2 mm, it did not line up perfectly the first time. I plugged it back in, and tightened the single screw for the battery, put it all back together and the Mac did not recognize the batte...
There's more than one answer to these questions pointing me in a crooked line D11 D11 C [stop] n.C. And the less I seek my source for some definitive, the closer I G G6/A C9 D G G6/A C(9) D,D,D9,D am to fine, The closer I am to fine ...