In this paper, we introduce the NER dataset from CLUE organization (CLUENER2020), a well-defined fine-grained dataset for named entity recognition in Chinese. CLUENER2020 contains 10 categories. Apart from common labels like person, organization, and location, it contains more diverse categories....
The classic fine-grained sentiment analysis (ABSA, Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis) mainly includes three sub-tasks, which are attribute extraction...
视频描述自然包含层次结构(Video descriptions naturally contain hierarchical structures),整句做事件节点(global event node),动词做动作节点(action node),名词组做实体节点(entity node)。动作和事件节点直接相连,隐含了动作的时序信息(The verbs are considered as action nodes and connected to event node with dire...
Fine-Grained Entity Recognition Entity Recognition (ER) is a key component of relation extraction systems and many other natural-language processing applications. Unfortunately, most ER systems are restricted to produce labels from to a small set of entity classes, e.g... X Ling,DS Weld - Aaai...
Fine-grained Audible Video Description ⋆Xuyang Shen2, ⋆Dong Li1, ⋆Jinxing Zhou3, Zhen Yuchao Dai4, Lingpeng Kong5, Meng Qin2, Bowen He2, Wang3, Yu Qiao1, XiYaoirdaonnZghHoanng21, Aixuan Li4, 1Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 2OpenNLPLab, 3Hefei University of ...
EMNLP2019: Fine-Grained Entity Typing via Hierarchical Multi Graph Convolutional Networks 链接: 代码: 介绍 Motivation 在知识库中,一些实体的类型... 【论文阅读】Pancreas Segmentation in Abdominal CT Scan: A Coarse-to-Fi...
Learning a Discriminative Filter Bank within a CNN for Fine-grained Recognition Learning a Discriminative Filter Bank within a CNNforFine-grainedRecognition文中有三个分支 最左边,是vgg16的整个网络,当中的经过1*1得到, c使用cross-channel pooling 得到一个loss函数。 中间层为 进过1*1卷积过后,大小是kM...
Transfer Learning in NLP: Pre-trained language models like BERT, GPT, and RoBERTa are fine-tuned for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as text classification, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and question answering. Case Studies of Fine-Tuning Below, we will provide...
In this paper, we carefully study the visual prompting designs by exploring more fine-grained markings, such as segmentation masks and their variations. In addition, we introduce a new zero-shot framework that leverages pixel-level annotations acquired from a generalist segmentation model for fine-...
Ji et al. [15] proposed a more fine-grained model TransD to improve existing models. TransD uses two vectors to represent each entity and relationship. The first vector represents the meaning of the entity or relationship, and the second vector is used to construct the mapping matrix. ...