“At Doucette and Wolfe Furniture Makers we are passionate about making beautiful, functional, handmade furniture for our clients. Pieces that are used and enjoyed, becoming cherished family heirlooms that are passed down for generations.”
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To watch a video, push the white arrow below. Cherry Tables, Cherry Chairs, Cherry Chinas, Cherry Beds, Cherry Dressers, Cherry Nightstands, Cherry Mirrors Minor Blemishes = Major Savings. We accept All Major Credit Cards Financing plans available Directions to The Colonial Furniture Store and Fu...
furniture makers. I worked at Old Economy, a local historical site, in the cabinet shop under the direction of the cabinetmaker. I am a member of SAPFM, Society of American Period Furniture Makers. I have done living history demonstrations and am a member of The Brigade of the American ...
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Most vintage or antique furniture, as well as architectural items, including kitchen cupboards, are well constructed, having been built by skilled cabinetmakers using beautiful solid, early-growth woods—so I say furniture refinishing is always the best option! A piece may look dirty, dingy and ...
PLEASE CLICK THE“STORE”tababove to purchase tools! Thank you! Our Vision:Sterling Tool Works is inspired by artisans that create fine work. Our vision is to bring highly refined tools to market that are both beautiful, functional and therefore, inspire and enable artisans to produce their ver...
Lustra is from makers who have a long tradition of making quality traditional waxes and polishes, from the old school, handed down through the centuries – traditional methods. Quality that only, in this case, the Europeans know and understand – the making of fine furniture polishes and waxes...
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SketchUp for Furniture Design Buy Now Get the latest fromFine WoodworkingMagazine #316-MAR/APR 2025 Chris Schwarz's Coffer Chest Online Extras from FW Issue #316 Editor's Letter: What is the future of woodworking? #315-JAN/FEB 2025