How to use FindIt@Bham The guide to how to use FindIt@Bham. Library & Skills Guides on your subject. Access skills and research support. Improving your search experience Link your Google Scholar account with FindIt@Bham. Install LibKey Nomad for seamless access. Browse journals with BrowZine...
In autumn 2012, the University of Birmingham launched FindIt@Bham, a Primo-based Resource Discovery Service, after a series of focus groups with students and staff to help determine its initial configuration and customization. This article presents the results from a large-scale online survey and ...
In autumn 2012, the University of Birmingham launched FindIt@Bham, a Primo-based Resource Discovery Service, after a series of focus groups with students and staff to help determine its initial configuration and customization. This article presents the results from a large-scale online survey and ...
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Bull, StephenCraft, EdwardBull, Stephen, and Edward Craft. "How we FindIt@Bham using Primo." SCONUL Focus 60 (2014): 47-53. Print.Bull, Stephen, and Edward Craft. “How we FindIt@Bham using Primo.” SCONUL Focus 60 ( 2014 ): 47–53. . Print....
How we FindIt@Bham using Primonews.html