The episode shows that the struggle to become an American as long-standing and ongoing for those not lucky enough to have been born here. As a white male of Northern European descent it makes me appreciate how hard some families have to work to earn the privilege of calling themselves in ...
Okay, so perhaps you will not find yourself in that situation, but if there is ANYTHING you are doing in your life where several moments of intense, IRL LOLing could improve your quality of life, I would highly recommend this podcast, and particularly, this episode because the discussion is...
Navigation with a goal in mind is more important than ever. Always remember your revenue goals to plot your journey and that views aren’t enough—you need activations and many ways to engage the audience. For instance, companies should offer applications that very loyal fans will download to ...
Parmalee join Evan Paul to talk about (1:10) why “Gonna Love You” was the right song to film a music video that recreates the shooting that left drummer Scott Thomas in a coma. Plus, (8:38) how they feel about being first-class snubs every awards season and (12:30) Wikipedia ...
Today I was thinking about the huge gap that now exists in the U.S. between the very very rich, the .01 percent, and everyone else, when I came across the beautiful rendition of “The Times They Are A-Changing” that Bruce Springsteen performed on December 7, 1997...
“Our exotic fact-finding mission suddenly had become a run for our lives, the hunters now the hunted. We stumbled over roots, ripped through overhanging branches, anything to dodge the potential line of sight of an Indian taking aim with an arrow–poison-tipped or otherwise. [pg 263]” ...
So, I guess being wrong about who you thought you would be or what you thought you would be doing isn’t the worst thing. Sure, it can be disappointing. And it can be hard to find your way back into balance after striking out on a lifestyle you thought was meant for you. But thi...