英文原版 Finding Winnie 寻找维尼 2016年凯迪克金奖绘本 精装绘本 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Lindsay出版社:Little出版时间:2024年08月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥136.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“华研外语旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
《进口英文Finding Winnie 寻找小熊维尼 凯迪克绘本金奖 [精装][3-8岁]》,作者:进口英文Finding Winnie 寻找小熊维尼 凯迪克绘本金奖 [精装][3-8岁]Lindsay Mattick 著,出版社:Little,BrownBooks,ISBN:9780316324908。
Passage17Finding Winnie《寻找维尼》This book is about the most famous bear in the world-Winnie-the-Pooh. The story is about a real bear. A long time ago, a vet rescued a bear from a hunter. The vet named the bear Winnie. Then, he took Winnie to Europe.The vet didn't have much ...
1 17.Finding Winnie This book is about the world's most famous bear:Winnie-the-Pooh.The story is about a real bear. A long time ago, a vet rescued a bear from a hunter.The vet named the bear Winnie.Then,he took Finding Winnie to Europe.The vet didn't have much time to Winnie ...
Finding Winnie的创作者· ··· 苏菲·布莱科尔绘者 作者简介· ··· 琳赛·马蒂克(Lindsay Mattick),是故事中小熊维尼的主人哈利?科尔伯恩上校的曾外孙女。小熊维尼的故事在她的家族代代相传,她从小到大都将小熊维尼视为自己的祖辈。她以各种方式与大家分享维尼的故事,并用心创作了这本《寻找小熊维尼》。 索...
Finding Winnie This book is about the most famous bear in the world——Winnie-the-Pooh. The story is about a real bear. A long time ago, A weight risk the a beer from a hotel. The vet named the bear Winnie. Then. He took we need to Europe. The vet didn't have much time to ...
Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear 寻找维尼英文原版 [精装] 电子书 下载 mobi epub pdf txt Finding Winnie: The True Story of the World's Most Famous Bear 寻找维尼英文原版 [精装] pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 想要...
Finding Winnie This book is about the most famous bear in the world-Winnie-the-Pooh. The story is about a real bear. A long time ago, a vet' rescued a bear from a hunter. The vet named the bear Winnie.Then, he took Winnie to Europe'. The vet didn't have much time to look ...
The story is about his son and Winnie-the-Pooh.Winnie The u Stry Famcus Bear根据短文内容,填空。 (每空不超过三个词)1. Winnie-the-Pooh is the most bear in the world.2. A rescued the bear from a hunter.3. The vet sent the bear to4. Soon, Christopher Robin and Winnie5. Robin's...
Winnie.the.Pooh 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 1914 年,恰好处于一战时期。当时,一个叫 Harry Colebourn 加拿大上尉在安大略湖边散步时,从猎人手里花 20 元加币买下了一只小熊。这只小熊的妈妈刚刚被猎人打死,看起来十分可怜。于是,Harry 上尉就把它带在了身边,并把它取名叫 Winnie ,也就是我们的维尼。再后来,...