I could see a possibility that my unit vector ends up slightly misaligned, and that that would make a sub-degree error that, multiplied over the hundreds of kilometers up to the ISS, makes for a 20 kilometer error, but any advice on where to hunt would be hugely appreciated. Thanks for...
Method enables to find conjugate pairs of vectors of direction vectors on objects in a system of two radiometers under conditions of moving objects and random interference by determining the rate of change of coordinates of unit vectors taking into account the moments of their formation.;EFFECT: ...
Let U be the set of unit vectors in the plane. For each u∈U and each convex body C, the directional width of C in direction u, denoted by dwidth(u,C), is the length of the orthogonal projection of C onto any line parallel to u. Thusdwidth(u,C)=maxp∈C〈p,u〉−min...
Let ##\vec y## and ##\vec z## be the unique vectors such that ##\vec y## is in U, ##\vec z## is orthogonal (perpendicular) to every vector in U, and ##\vec x=\vec y+\vec z##. We're looking for a formula for ##\vec y##. If ##\vec u## is a unit vector ...
The error is one minus the dot product of the unit vectors which is a proportion of the length scale. To determine errors in panel thickness, we measure the distance between each corresponding top/bottom pair of triangles that compose the panel. Then, the error is the distance minus th...
We are often interested in how much the acceleration points in the direction of the tangent and normal vectors. The formula for these are given by tangential component of acceleration aT=r′(t)⋅r″(t)||r′(t)|| and normal comp...
In order to find di, and further find the virtual camera parameters mirrored by each mir- ror, we will build a world coordinate system on each mirror. For example, for mirror M1, after we find the three vectors and then normalized them into column unit vectors, still represented in v1,...
However, the Nd2Ir2O7 structure exhibits only extremely weak spontaneous magnetization (around 10−4μB/formula unit)29, which is significantly below the detection limit of the neutron diffraction technique. Therefore, the ferromagnetic basis vectors are precluded and the value of nΓ9 is further...
When, for instance, a query image is subsequently presented in order to search for identical or similar images in the image database, the query image is itself parsed or processed to generate multiple feature vectors or sets of index values for the query image. The index sets for the query...
Computer system100processes graph search request140in two phases, which are first pass150and second pass170. During each pass, at least the shortest of result paths180are actually traversed. First pass150traverses graph110in a direction that graph search request140specifies, which is from source ...