Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 25, 563-573.Jahanshahloo,G.R.Finding the reference set of a decision making unit. Asia-PacificJournal of Operational Research . 2008Jahanshahloo,G.R., A. Shirzadi, S.M. Mirdehghan, "Finding the reference set of a decision making unit", Asia...
Duringhe experiment,heverage emissionsfO_2 were 0.08o 0.1 g~(?1).egardinghe data,ptimaladiusttraction whereO_2 wasffectednosquitoes wasetween 55nd 70romheource.esults proposehathe distanceetweenrapshoulde greaterhan 140,o ensurehebsencefiasy eachfheraps.hanges inO_2aximumoncentrationnd ...
The problem is direction finding of natural low-frequency radiation sources in the ionosphere, more specifically: to determine the distribution function of a set of wave normal vectors obtained by computing propagation between unknown sources and the (orbiting) receiver....