It was the first and last time that Sakura spoke to him with friendliness and warmth. And it was the first time he’d been able to talk with a girl he had a crush one, the first time to have a girl appreciate what a rare name he had. This made him so giddy that he wound up ...
Finding Time to Writedoi:10.31046/tl.v10i1.471AUTHORSHIPPERIODICAL articlesElder, Jane LenzTheological Librarianship
That’s not a bad rule for writing in general, by the way: it can add years to a writing project if the writer keeps saying, “Oh, I’m not really up to/don’t have time for/just don’t feel like writing today; I’ll wait until I’m feeling better/have an entire day/weekend...
“I need to write!” How often do I say that to myself? How often do you say that to yourself? It can be a challenge to find the time, space, and motivation to write. Let’s tackle each of those and address getting what we need to write regularly.… Read the post Read More ...
whether you are a novice writer embarking on the journey of learning the craft of writing or a seasoned writer seeking to enhance your writing productivity, I argue that it's prudent to pay attention to your personal writing rhythm, or the time and circumstances that allow you to writ...
Switch off your internet connection while you write.(Okay, this one DOES work wonders!) I know I’ve struggled with finding enough time to write throughout my time as a writer, from my early teens onward. Here are a few things I’ve learnt – often the hard way!
We’ll throw in some spontaneous moments of fun to keep your energy up. Great prizes will be awarded for awesome apps at the end of the weekend.So, if like me, you keep putting off sitting down to write that app, use Pure Imagination as an...
How much holiday time do you give your employees every year? A: Our employees receive fifteen days of paid vacation every year. If you don’t use the full fifteen days, they carry over to the following year. B: How about sick days? A: You get five paid sick days. B: Any other ...
Each frame takes 5-6 hours to create-imagine how much computing power and time it will take to create24 frames per second of a 2-hour film! A. From that, storyboards are drawn. B. All these films have cost a large amount of money. C. Remember too that the movements have to be ...
And give yourself some time to do this. Don’t rush. Enjoy the process! Gather Inspiration From Your Home The next place to gather inspiration is from your home. Take stock of the things you already have. What decor items do you love and, for now, would never get rid of. What things...