Within fifteen years, Cyril, the bishop of Jerusalem, announces the wide spread distribution of the True Cross as a relic: "The holy wood of the cross gives witness: it is here to be seen in this very day, and through these who take [pieces] from it in faith, it has from here ...
Piero della Francesca的作品「Finding of the True Cross」无水印高清大图免费下载,创作年代:1464,图片尺寸:962x772px,风格:Early Renaissance,体裁:宗教画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」nbfox.com
【真十字架传奇】 Finding and Recognition of the True Cross 年代:1458~1466年类型:湿壁画尺寸:356cm × 747cm 收藏:圣方济各教堂,意大利托斯卡纳地区的阿雷佐小镇 《真十字架传奇》开始创作于1452年,...
In Ethiopia, Meskel is celebrated annually on September 27 or September 28 in a leap year commemorating the fourth century discovery by Roman Empress Saint Helena (Queen Eleni) of the True Cross. The eve of Meskel, September 26, is marked by the burning of a large bonfire, locally called '...
权威英汉双解 finding. 显示所有例句 n. 1. [usupl] 调查发现;调研结果information that is discovered as the result of research into sth 2. 判决;裁决a decision made by the judge or jury in a court case 释义: 全部,判决,裁决,调查发现,调研结果...
Examining unmet needs: a cross-sectional study exploring knowledge, attitudes and sexually transmitted infection screening preferences among persons who in... To inform the development of targeted sexually transmitted infection (STI) control programmes for persons who inject drugs (PWID).#We recruited 11...
Jan Willem Drijvers, Helena Augusta. The mother of Constantine the great and the legend of her finding of the true cross, : Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianitylutionsprozesses ist, whrend sich die manichische Hresie in der von Bergmann favorisierten Religions...
Contemporary Fatherhood and Its Consequences for Paternal Psychological Well-being – A Cross-sectional Study of Fathers in Central Europe The emotional consequences of fatherhood are markedly conditional on the context in which fatherhood is lived out. This study examines the association betw... W Pa...
Is it absolutely true that there is no absolute truth? Think about that question for a moment. A 2016Barma pollfound two-thirds of Americans answer yes to this question. The irony is that saying yes is stating an absolute truth!Dr. Frank Turekof crossexamined.org devotes his time advocatin...
location & location. The same holds true in our t-happiness. Unless we are planning to pay someone $20,000 to cut off our balls (try saying that out loud without slightly wincing - LOL), we are forced to contend with the never ending process of balancing our two gende...