A weird feeling came over me upon January’s arrival as I gazed at the fireworks outside the window of my mom’s room at Ochsner Hospital. I felt out of place in both space and time, like I should be somewhere else. I felt uneasy, unprepared, and unhappy which is the total opposite...
% Estimate the 2nd deriv. by finite differences ypp = diff(y,2); % Find the root using FZERO t_infl = fzero(@(T) interp1(t(2:end-1),ypp,T,'linear','extrap'),0) y_infl = interp1(t,y,t_infl,'linear') plot(t_infl,y_infl,'ro'); ...
Unlike nearly all other technologies, the cost of nuclear power has risen over time. Even its supporters recognize that it has never been cost-competitive in a free-market environment, and its critics point out that the nuclear industry has followed a “negative learning curve.”…Continue ...
Insurveying: Hydrography Modern position-fixing techniques using radar have made the whole process much simpler, for the ship’s location is now known continuously with reference to fixed stations on shore or to satellite tracks. Another modern technique is the use of pictures taken from aircraft o...
The only difference is that we have a decimal point to consider. We just have to make sure that our decimal point stays in the same place and that it doesn't move when we round. So, to round $12.99 to the nearest whole number, we are essentially rounding to the ones place. ...
Gigi Gleason, Sr. Manager, Global Meetings Solutions Customer Testimonial “We basically now have close to about 18-20% of market share from India, in leisure market for inbound arrival in Japan. And Cvent has been a very crucial part of the journey of getting to this point.” ...
Tim Berry is the founder ofPalo Alto Software, a co-founder of Borland International, and a recognized expert in business planning. Tim is the originator ofLean Business Planning. He has an MBA from Stanford and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dam...
It includes the following programs: Bisection, Fixed point iteration or successive substitution, Regula Falsi, Modified Regula Falsi, Newton Raphson, Secant, and Modified Secant methods. *The image is courtesy of Steven Chapra and Raymond Canale in their book: Numerical Methods for Engineers (6th ed...
Rayleigh or Sparrow criterion is used. Microbeads can be used to measure both, acting as point emitters to form a point spread function (PSF), which can estimate the resolution in an image with size being a variable. However, if you’re looking for a more objective evaluation, the PSF in...
Rayleigh or Sparrow criterion is used. Microbeads can be used to measure both, acting as point emitters to form a point spread function (PSF), which can estimate the resolution in an image with size being a variable. However, if you’re looking for a more objective evaluation, the PSF in...